Useful Books

This week I have selected two books that I think are quite interesting and useful to many of our viewers. Even though these books deal with two different health topics, their subject matters affect not only the individual patient, but the entire family.

I would like you, our viewers and readers, to get involved. Send us your thoughts about the selections and tell us about the books that worked, or didn't work, for you. The address is

Dr. Manny's ranking system:

Waking the Warrior Goddess
Dr. Christine Horner

The big C word — CANCER! It's scary, it can be terminal and it's by no means a walk in a park, no matter which kind it is. This book is about one of the most important health topics of our day — prevention of breast cancer. "Waking the Warrior Goddess" is important to me because, as a physician who deals with and treats women every day, it was written by an expert in the field somebody who had to deal with this illness. Dr. Horner lost her mother to breast cancer, and for many years Dr. Horner has been at the forefront of women's health issues.

In " Waking the Warrior Goddess" Dr Horner explains how breast cancer is affecting thousands of women in this country, with incidences rising 21 percent in the last four years. This is why prevention is such a key element. This book tells you some of the risk factors that have been associated with breast cancer, as well as to how to modify everyday routine to promote good health. From eliminating red meat, sugars and alcohol to effective stress-reducing techniques, this book will guide you step-by-step toward improving your health and minimizing cancer-associated risk behavior.

"Waking the Warrior Goddess" is an easy read that takes you from A to Z of cancer care and prevention. This book not only explains the natural history of breast cancer — it also includes some of the challenges that many women face in the diagnosing and treating of the disease . The "Top Twelve Breast-Health Tips" are a must-read for every woman who wants to learn more and improve her health and overall quality of life.

Three hearts

Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children With Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
Lucy Jane Miller, PhD

I'm a father of three beautiful kids and there are times when I don't have my "doctor" hat on. I, too, read books about parenting and kids’ behavior. I want to learn more about what to expect. Whether it's wearing baggy pants, dying their hair or imitating a parent, kids go through various stages as they mature. Learning disabilities are often misunderstood and written off as a "stage" in a youngster's life.

I get a lot of questions from patients when one of their children is exhibiting atypical behavior: "Is my child autistic?" "What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?" Most parents want to know where they can get help.

This is why I chose this terrific book, written by one of the most prominent researchers and therapists in the field of SPD. For years Dr. Lucy Jane Miller has been a strong advocate of finding the right answers for parents and effective treatment for children with this disorder.

While reading this book, I was surprised by the significant frequency of this disorder. According to the authors, one in twelve children in this country is affected. Some of the sensations that are a normal way of life for most kids — taste, touch, sound, sight, smell and body awareness — become significant challenges for children, modifying their everyday interactions at home and in school.

In this book, readers will learn how to identify warning signs, get treatment, and find strategies that can be developed at home. Most importantly, it gives parents specific details for references so that they don't feel alone and without recourse.

Comprehensive and well-written, this is a must-read for parents and teachers who want to know more about children's behaviors.

Three hearts

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