Update on Lt. Col. West

Dear Viewers,

I've been receiving mountains of email from viewers who are outraged by the court martial of Army Lt. Col. Allen West. He is charged with assault because he shot twice over the head of an Iraqi who was resistant to revealing names of people plotting attacks against American soldiers.

Many of you have asked if there's a defense fund for LTC West. Others have asked if there's someone at the Pentagon you can write to, to voice your opinion about this case. Because of the sheer volume of e-mails I've received, I'm using the Weblog to respond to your questions.

According to Neal Puckett, the attorney for LTC West, here are the contacts many of you have requested:

Defense Fund:
Allen West Defense Fund
c/o Angela West
6823 Coleman Dr.
Fort Hood, TX  76544

To Comment/Plea for Lt. Col West’s Request:
Office of the Chief of Public Affairs
1500 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-1500

I'll continue tracking this story on DaySide, so stay tuned. Send me an e-mail at dayside@foxnews.com and tell me what you think.

