Universal Nightmare: U.S. Patients' Health Care Reform Fears


This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 23, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Now, all evening we have been following two patients' journeys through the health care system. So how would their lives have been impacted, had the government played a role in deciding their treatment?

Now, let's go back to our own Ainsley Earhardt.


AINSLEY EARHARDT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Katherine Hale and Major General William Davies suffered from very different medical problems 1,700 miles apart. But they both say their lives were saved by heroic doctors, doctors they worry they might not have been able to get to under a different system.

MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM DAVIES, U.S. ARMY (RET): I have thought about that many times with the current discussions and controversies that are going on with the health care system, that I may not have survived if you could project this a year from now. I went to an individual doctor that is not constrained by a system that is under the government.

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DR. DAVID KANN, CARDIOLOGIST: The concern on the part of most physicians that I know and most patients that I know is that we don't know what is coming down the pike, that we don't know what the system is going to be like, that the government is going to take over and that we're not going to have the opportunity to do that kind of thing in the future. Do we know that? No. Do we want to risk that? We're terrified of that prospect.

KATHERINE HALE, CANCER SURVIVOR: My husband has been with a big company for decades, and we have great insurance. But if his big company decides, "Oh, let's let the government pay for this now," what would happen to us?

KANN: The notion that you can expand services and save money, which is the notion being put forth by our president, is absurd. We can afford the health care system. We can do a better job. But I would not be in favor of revamping the entire system with a government-run system. There's no where to him that we spend money that's more important.

We just embarked on an incredible spending spree of buying things that we don't need in an attempt to stimulate the economy while at the same time, I'm being told that we can't afford the health care system. If it makes sense to spend money on bridges, it makes sense to spend money on disease.

And if we're going to deprive people of the care that they need when they're sick, then the bridges aren't going to matter a lot, are they?

EARHARDT: While politicians and the media focus on the billions, or trillions, that all this might cost, the patients are left with the same basic question.

DAVIES: How fast is the system going to react to my need, and will it be fast enough to save my life?

EARHARDT (on camera): Do you feel that you are alive because...

DAVIES: Absolutely. No question about it in my mind.

EARHARDT (voice-over): Katherine Hale also worries. And she says she owes her life to the personalized treatment she received and the fact she didn't settle for what the first doctor told her.

HALE: I was not willing to accept the bad news that the oncologist gave me, which was giving up and letting the cancer take over. I had three kids in school at the time, and I wouldn't be here to be a grandmother, had I listened to that first doctor's advice.

DR. DIANE BODURKA, GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGIST: In Katherine's case, if she had not requested a second opinion, she would only have been treated with chemotherapy. The thing that saved Katherine's life was a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. And I will assure you that, if she did not have that second opinion, she wouldn't be able to participate in these interviews.

HALE: I think about it quite often. When my daughter was 18 is when I was first diagnosed. My mother died when I was 18. And I'll never forget the day that she said, "I hope you don't leave me like your mom had to leave you."

And I'm not. I'm not gone. I'm here, and I'm still glad to be here as a grandmother.


HANNITY: All right. So there you have it: a look at what may be coming your way if you hand your health care over to the government. And I think we can safely say this is one mistake we cannot afford to make, because the consequences are nothing short of deadly.

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