United States Needs to Quit United Nations

The latest round of news from the United Nations tells me that whether Secretary General Kofi Annan (search) resigns, or not, the United States should resign from the U.N.

Our ambassador, John Danforth (search), is quitting after just six months. He says it isn't because of frustration, but surely frustration has something to do with it. Danforth is a decent and honorable man who has had trouble standing up to the many nations headed by indecent and dishonorable people.

Why is the United States, a nation that has often saved the world from itself at great cost, playing a game with dictators and others who care nothing for our system of government or way of life?

We pay a quarter of the U.N.'s bills. We act while much of the institution dithers. U.N. resolutions are worthless because the U.N. rarely enforces them, and when they do, they ignore those who ignore them.

The United Nations is a monument to man's misinterpretation of man. It is a humanist shrine to man's impossible goal of living at peace with one another. Does not history, common sense and sacred texts teach otherwise?

We probably won't, but we most definitely should, get out of the United Nations and start a new alliance whose members are democracies and not dictatorships.

And that's Column One for this week.

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