Unilateral Action Must Be Taken?

And now the most scintillating two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Unilateral Action Must Be Taken?

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean (search) -- who has vehemently opposed the U.S. taking -- "unilateral" action in Iraq -- is standing by a 1995 letter to then-President Clinton, published in today's USA Today, in which he insists the U.S. -- "must take unilateral action" in Bosnia due to the -- "gross atrocities committed" there.

According to Dean's campaign, Dean believes unilateral action can be appropriate when it involves: defending our country and its allies after attack, defending our country and its allies when there is clear evidence of an imminent threat, or dealing with cases of imminent humanitarian catastrophe. Dean's campaign did not explain why some of these applied to Bosnia in 1995, but not Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

Bush Reelected?

A new poll in heavily Democratic Illinois shows that more voters there want President Bush to be taken out of office than want him to stay, but the same poll shows that President Bush would still beat Democratic front-runner Howard Dean if elections were held today. What's more, the Chicago Tribune poll shows that if New York senator and Chicago native Hillary Clinton entered the Democratic race today, she would lead Dean among Illinois Democrats by a 47 to 12 percent margin.

Double Standards at BBC?

The BBC is under fire again for alleged double standards. When morning talk show host Robert Kilroy-Silk wrote in a British newspaper last week that Arabs are -- "suicide bombers, limb-amputators, [and] women repressors," he was taken off the air. Two years ago, however, BBC contributor Tom Paulin said in an Egyptian newspaper that the -- "Brooklyn-born" settlers in occupied territories in the Middle East -- "should be shot dead. ... they are Nazis, racists. I feel nothing but hatred for them." The BBC never took him off the air.

Absent on ABC and Not Seen on CBS

When Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- who made headlines Monday by saying the Bush administration was planning to oust Saddam Hussein even before the 9/11 atrocities -- backpedaled on those remarks and apologized, even saying he would vote for President Bush, NBC reported it. So did CNN and this broadcast. But, the Media Research Center notes, ABC's "World News Tonight" and CBS Evening News -- both of which had extensive coverage of O'Neill's initial assertions the night before -- never mentioned that he backpedaled.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report