UAW Chief Suggests Bailout Critics Are Insane

So the head of the United Auto Workers questions the sanity of those senators who had the nerve to vote against this auto bailout.

Says he's confident there are enough sane people in Washington to get a solution.

So you're insane if you don't think bailing out an industry is a good idea.

You're insane if you question the conditions attached to giving away billions to that industry.

You're insane if you have serious qualms throwing good money after bad.

You're insane if you look at a Bank of America laying off 35,000 workers after getting a $25 billion bailout, and you wonder what they would have done without a $25 billion bailout.

You're insane for thinking maybe taxpayers shouldn't underwrite layoffs. Maybe companies can do that themselves.

You're insane wondering whether companies are using you.

You're insane doubting the word of managers who clearly can't cut it but want you to cut them a check.

And you're insane for saying "no" at a time every placating politician is saying "yes."

Yes to bailouts whose rules constantly change.

And yes to unions whose givebacks substantively do not.

So let me get this straight. You can't be sane saying no this madness.

Maybe, just maybe, that's the madness.

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