Topics and Guests, Sept. 23

Jim Angle reports: President Bush addresses the U.N. and asks leaders from around the world to help build a democracy in Iraq. He explains the primary goal is self-government by people in Iraq and the process will be ‘neither hurried nor delayed.’

Steve Harrigan reports: U.S. Marines hand control of Najaf (search) over to a brigade of Spanish-led troops. Meanwhile U.S. forces assemble an Iraqi army of 30,000 to 40,000 troops.

Carl Cameron reports: Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean (search) speaks to thousands of supporters in Massachusetts and questions the policies of President Bush.

Bret Baier reports: An Air Force airman who had worked at the U.S. prison camp for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base is charged with espionage and aiding the enemy — charges that could carry the death penalty.

Brian Wilson reports: Comments made by Sen. Kennedy (search) about President Bush (search) and the war in Iraq generate heat in the Capitol. We’ll have the details.

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.

— Guests and topics are subject to change