Topics and Guests for Tuesday, June 17

Veteran newscaster John Gibson gets to the core of the most salient issues facing America today as host of FNC's hard-hitting primetime show The Big Story with John Gibson, airing Monday through Friday at 5 p.m. ET, with expert legal analysis from Judge Andrew Napolitano and in-depth field reports from correspondent Heather Nauert.

June 17:

Before the Democrats can challenge President Bush next year, they have to choose a candidate. In all, nine Democrats are making the rounds, staking out their positions and looking for support
Simon Rosenberg, president of the New Democrat Network

The Democratic presidential nomination may be won or lost on the Internet. The opportunity to capture the attention — and contributions — of younger voters could be key
Joe Trippi, Howard Dean's campaign manager

The British Parliament has begun hearings into the intelligence that led to the Iraq war. With no WMD found in Iraq yet, some members of Tony Blair's own party say the Iraqi threat was oversold
Glen Oglaza, political correspondent for Sky News

If the attempt to reverse Roe v. Wade is successful, it won't be the first time the Supreme Court has reversed itself.
• Judge Andrew Napolitano, FNC senior judicial analyst

Hollywood is the land of big stars, big movies, and big complaints from the neighbors. Some people there are peeved about the pictures being shot in their back yards
Tom Guiton, Hollywood resident

Be sure to tune into The Big Story with John Gibson ... weekdays at 5 p.m. ET.