Topics and Guests for Dec. 16

Now that he's been captured, Saddam Hussein will have to answer for his crimes before a court of law. So how will the so-called "butcher of Baghdad" defend himself?

We'll talk to criminal defense attorney Dick Deguerin and FNC senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Plus -- Does the former Iraqi dictator have any incriminating information to divulge about France and Germany? Were those two countries opposed to the war for other than ideological reasons?

We'll ask Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev.

There are some good numbers out this morning -- the consumer price index and inflation are down. What does it mean to the economy? We'll discuss...

The FDA is considering whether to make the "morning after pill" available as an over-the-counter drug. A good move in preventing unwanted pregnancies or a step in the wrong direction? We'll debate.

IBM has announced it's moving some 5,000 tech jobs overseas to India.

We'll talk to some of the folks here in America who have been laid off about what they think of the move and what they're going to do now.

All of that and more... today on Your World.

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More than just facts and figures, Your World with Cavuto gets to the heart of the matter with in-depth analysis from our FOX Business News All-Stars:

Terry Keenan, host of Cashin' In
Brenda Buttner, host of Bulls & Bears
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