Topics and Guests: February 17

Tonight... get on the record with Greta!

The nation turns its eyes to the Badger State (search) this evening as voters in delegate rich Wisconsin head to the polls for the state's Democratic primary. Will Massachusetts Senator John Kerry (search) clinch the nomination tonight? Will former Vermont Governor Howard Dean (search) drop out of the race? And what's next for North Carolina Senator John Edwards (search)?

We'll have the very latest results for you from Wisconsin plus the kind of insightful analysis you've come to expect from Greta and her panel of experts.

Then, the Scott Peterson (search) case returns to court in California. At issue today, the reliability of "G.P.S." or "global positioning satellite" tracking devices that were used to track Peterson after his wife Laci disappeared. A G.P.S. expert is scheduled to testify today in court.

Also, we'll have the latest on the Ohio highway shootings.

All these stories and much, much more!

Don't miss "On the Record" tonight at 10 p.m. ET!

--All topics and guests subject to change.

--The Associated Press contributed to this story.