Topics and Guests: February 16

Tonight... get on the record with Greta!

As the showdown in Wisconsin on Tuesday night looms large for the Democratic presidential nominees what can we expect from all of the candidates? Should former Vermont Governor Howard Dean (search) drop out of the race if he doesn't win on Tuesday? What should North Carolina Senator John Edwards (search) do next in his quest for the White House? And how should Massachusetts Senator John Kerry (search) position himself against President Bush if he wins tomorrow night?

We'll ask Fox News Contributor and Editor of "The Weekly Standard" Bill Kristol to share his analysis of the current state of the political campaign.

And don't forget candidate Al Sharpton... He'll join Greta tonight to talk about his campaign to become the Democratic presidential nominee.

Also, we'll have the latest on the highway shootings in Ohio and we'll ask our legal eagles to assess the new developments in the Scott Peterson trial.

All these stories and much, much more!

Don't miss "On the Record" tonight at 10 p.m. ET!

--All topics and guests subject to change.

--The Associated Press contributed to this story.