Topics and Guests, Feb. 4

Today on "Special Report"

Carl Cameron reports: John Kerry (search) picks up five primary and caucus wins — John Edwards (search) enjoys southern comfort in S.C. and Wesley Clark (search) says Oklahoma is OK — We'll have the fallout.

GUEST PREVIEW: We'll sort out all the details of last night's primaries and caucuses with Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics.

Major Garrett reports: Howard Dean (search) may be down nine primaries and caucuses but he says he is not out. We'll have the latest from the Dean campaign.

Alisyn Camerota reports: The highest court in Mass. rules that lawmakers must give gay and lesbian couples full and equal marriage rights. Get a full report.

Bret Baier reports: Defense budget hearings on Capitol Hill segue to pre-war Iraq intelligence inquiries.

Jim Angle reports: President Bush speaks at the Library of Congress. We'll have the highlights.

Rick Leventhal reports: Now a liberated country -- Will Democracy spread through Iraq?

Details on those stories and more on "Special Report with Brit Hume" at 6 p.m. ET.

— Guests and topics are subject to change