Topics and Guests, April 3

Tonight on Special Report with Brit Hume:

Allied forces seize Saddam International Airport, Fox News has confirmed. The operation was completed, apparently with little resistance, less than three hours after allied troops launched an attack on the airport, an ABC News correspondent reported from the tarmac.


• President Bush addresses a cheering group of 12,000 U.S. Marines at Camp Lejeune, N.C., thanking them and their families for their role in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

• Evidence has been found in the Kurdish-controlled regions of northern Iraq that the Islamic militant group Ansar al-Islam was working on three types of chlorine gas and ricin and has ties to Al Qaeda.

• Spirited but hungry, rescued prisoner of war Pfc. Jessica Lynch arrives in Germany for treatment of two broken legs and bullet wounds reportedly suffered in a fierce gun battle she waged against her Iraqi captors.

• The U.S. Central Command says there was "increasing evidence" that Saddam Hussein's regime had lost control of its fighting forces and most of the Iraqi population.

• Israeli tanks backed by attack helicopters invade a refugee camp near the Gaza-Egypt border, clashing with gunmen and killing four Palestinians.

Details on these stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.
— Guests and topics are subject to change