Top Nine Most Wasteful Stimulus Projects

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 29, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And we are back and nearing number one. But first, check first check out numbers nine through two.

People in Arizona are apparently confused about where they are going. Number nine on our list is a project to convert signs in Interstate 19 south of Tucson back into miles. You see in the 1980s the signs were converted to kilometers in anticipation of a national shift to the metric system. Whoops. Now, your stimulus money is going to pay to fix them.

Number eight provoked a fight between Senator John McCain and Senator Robert Bennett of Utah. It's an earmark for more than $1 million to pay for the removal of Mormon crickets in Utah.

Number seven takes us back to Montana again, where the city of Billings has asked to spend your stimulus money to improve the landscaping in front of the Crown Plaza Hotel. Is there any reason why the hotel just cannot pay for that themselves?

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In Portland, Oregon, number six is a plan to spend another $1 million on covered garages for people's bicycles. Presumably the covered garages are to protect the bikes from the rain. How many people are going to be riding their bikes to work, by the way, in a thunderstorm?

We stay in the Pacific Northwest for number five. This one has Bill Gates smiling. The City of Redmond, Washington wants to spend $11 million to build a bridge connecting two adjacent portions of Microsoft headquarters. Now, come on, ladies and gentlemen, Microsoft and Bill Gates cannot afford to pay for that themselves?

Number four created quite a bit of controversy when it was proposed. It is an earmark of $200,000 for gang tattoo removal in Southern California. Now one critic in the United States Senate said, quote, "If you are responsible for getting the tattoo put on, then you ought to be responsible for taking it off." I think that is rather well-said.

Number three might be my favorite. The State of Illinois is spending your stimulus money on road signs to announce to drivers that the construction you are passing is being paid for with, you guessed it, your stimulus money.

And finally, number two on our list of the 101 worst examples of waste, Senator Tom Harkin's nearly $2 million earmarked for swine odor research in Iowa. Now, what is there to research, Senator? Pigs stink. Bacon tastes good. And senators love pork.

And finally, Ainsley Earhardt is live in Palm City, Florida, with a report on our number one example of government waste. Finally. Ainsley?

AINSLEY EARHARDT, FOX NEWS: Number one, Sean. We are at Palm City. The Palm City bridges behind us. Connects Palm City to Stuart, Florida, on the other side. Yes, traffic can be terrible. Especially at 5:00.

That is why decades ago, the folks in this community talked about building a new bridge. And now they're getting their wish thanks to the stimulus package. The new bridge will be built about three miles down the road. Price tag? $128 million. A lot of money. And is it worth it?

Well, supporters say yes, it will ease commutes, it will help with hurricane evacuations. It will create jobs. Opponents say it is wasteful spending, it is not needed. We already have a bridge. And there are environmental concerns. Endangered species are involved with all of this. That is why we are here in South Florida. We talked to some folks in the community and here is what they had to say.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are all pretty upset. We do not want it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think most of my neighbors are in favor of it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All the neighbors I have spoken to are against it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mainly the traffic issues and the noise. The noise is probably the biggest.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it will give the area a lot of jobs as well. And it is a big project. I think it needed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The bridge is going to be right here, almost where we saw sand, and going directly across over to those white pilings.

So obviously, we do not want it here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It will ease the traffic on Palm City Bridge, get through in one light. Now it takes two or three sometimes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On the busiest of days when I come across Palm City Bridge and I have to wait three stop lights to get across versus spending $120 million, no. Don't feel it is justified at all.


EARHARDT: If you spend stimulus money, there are some stipulations. A, it has to be shovel ready. This product is not ready. It has to be complete in three years. This project will not even begin for another two years. And here is why. The government has only purchased about half the land necessary.

So if this is so important to the community, they've been talking about it for decades. Should they be the ones raising the money, or should you, the taxpayer, living in California, in New York, in the heartlands? Should you be spending the money? Or should your dollars be spent to build this bridge when there is already one that exists? I don't know. I report. You decide.

HANNITY: Thank you, Ainsley, and that completes our countdown of the 101 worst government waste. Now before we go, here is a final look at the map of waste and where all of your hard earned money is going. And there it is. Your grand total at $1,234,631,672 tax dollars. And by the way, there's plenty more waste in the bills. Folks, it is frightening.

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