Tony Dungy's Quiet Strength

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Last night we had a few minutes before the show so I drafted Ted and Bernie to help me do the video blog. I set up my laptop in the newsroom and… well, check it out. What is so unusual about last night is that Ted Williams is one of the best-dressed men I know. And last night? Well… like I said, check it out.

Incidentally, the video blog is fun to do and this one gives you a bit of an idea how light things can be in the bureau before the show. Once the show starts, since the topics of our show are not particularly uplifting, the tone changes.

Since I promised you the inside information, today I got a call from my former CNN executive producer Bruce Perlmutter. He is now working for FOX (for the new FOX Business Channel which launches in October.) Bruce was my executive producer when I held the 8 p.m. slot at CNN (remember that? "The Point with Greta Van Susteren." "The Point" was pre-Connie Chung and thus pre-Paula Zahn. Yes, time flies. I have been out of CNN for 5 1/2 years.) I always liked the 8 p.m. hour (10 p.m. is late!) No, I am not going to get the 8 p.m. slot at FOX — Bill O'Reilly is No. 1 in all of cable news and there is no way I could ever convince FOX to give me Bill's hour!

As for Bruce, he seems very excited about his new job. He gets to be part of creating a new network. Creating a news channel is a huge undertaking. I am hoping that I can work with Bruce once in a while and do something on the Business Channel… but only if I have time after my "day job" (which, of course, is the 10 p.m. hour on FNC!) And P.S., no one has asked me…

Coach Tony Dungy's new book, "Quiet Strength," is a great read. He was on our show last night, so I read the book over the past weekend. If you are looking for a book to take on vacation, this is the perfect one. I learned many new things about him reading his book including that basketball — not football — was his favorite sport in high school. Yes, like many he has faced adversity in his life and handled it with grace. (And yes, my husband admires Coach Dungy and that is significant in my household since my husband is from Baltimore and still is mad at the Colts for leaving and anyone and everyone even remotely connected to the Colts, Indiana, etc.)

Last night during the show we asked you to send e-mails about the Miss New Jersey picture issue. We read a few of your e-mails at the end of our show — both pro and con Miss New Jersey. We deliberately picked both sides, but you should know that overwhelmingly the viewers side with Miss New Jersey. I have also posted some e-mails about it below:

E-mail No. 1

I was very interested to hear of the $14.98 Starbury shoes. I wondered if you could ask him if he is going to have other than sports type shoes? I am 72 years old and have calluses all on the bottom of my feet (front, by toes) and I can not find anywhere to get shoes that have enough soft padding so when I walk that I am not in great pain. The shoes that I buy are suppose to have good padding, they help for about a month, then the padding is all worn down. And I can not afford the $125 to $175 for shoes every month (on my $400 Social Security). So when I heard $14.98, I thought wow, wonder if he would be able to have some 'good padding' type shoes that would help. My Doctor trims the calluses and within a week, they are bad again. I have tried every type of insole that I know is available.
I know you are not interested in all my problems, just did not know how to ask without explaining my problem. I would appreciate it if you (or someone) could send me an e-mail me any information you might can get or who I might contact about the shoes. Thank you SO VERY, VERY, MUCH for you help.
Eileen Rice
Liberal, KS

E-mail No. 2

Dear Greta,
If I were one of Dr. Phil Astin's regular patients, I would be very upset over federal agents pouring over my medical files. As a Medicare recipient, my Social Security number is part of my records. In addition, I am very open with my doctor and there is confidential information that I have shared only with him and his medical assistant, a long-time acquaintance whom I trust as much as I do the doctor.
Father Daniel Beegan
Rumford, ME

E-mail No. 3

Dear Greta,
You always have a great blog. This one reminded me of a time when I was 17 years old — I had visited my mom, who was living in another state, and she had sent her dentures back with me to have them worked on somehow. That weekend, before I could take them to the dentist, I traded my car off — with the dentures in the glove box. I tried and tried to track them down, but got only as far as a Klamath Falls, Oregon, auto dealer who said he couldn't find them. I've often wondered who ended up with them.

E-mail No. 4

I think she set it all up as a publicity stunt. The pictures were totally stupid.
Mac McInnis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

E-mail No. 5

YOU probably have racier pics than that of yourself!
Tom Peterson
Bay City, MI

E-mail No. 6

As the father of two college and high school aged daughters believe me when I say that the pictures I have seen are very typical of that age group. For better or worse we are in a digital age where anyone can instantly broadcast pictures, and more, to millions at the touch of a button. The pictures in question here appear to be nothing more than just normal silliness. Take some time and surf through MySpace or any of the other Web sites and you will see that these are pretty tame. At worst it shows the beauty queen to be a typical, normal, college aged young lady which I find to be endearing and refreshing.
However, "for the record," I intend on using her situation as an example to my daughters of the potential ramifications of getting too cozy with digital cameras in the internet age. No matter how seemingly innocent it may seem at the time, you may come to regret it. It is better to be safe than sorry.
A FOX loyal viewer,
Tim Watson

E-mail No. 7

Hi Greta,
All of these pageant "scandals" should teach today's young people that in the current age of technology, no words spoken by you and no photo taken of you, can ever be guaranteed to be... off the record!
John Bailey

E-mail No. 8

It's men like Tony Dungy that rock this world.
I admire him so much.

E-mail No. 9

Dear On the Record,
I think that the Miss New Jersey photo ordeal is ridiculous. Honestly this is not that big of a deal. She is a 22-year-old women, she has a life and likes to have a good time with her friends like everyone her age does. Besides, the swimsuit competition will be more "scandalous" than any of the pictures she posted on the Internet.
Jordan Cullen

E-mail No. 10

This was just college kid student having a good time. I believe at that age we have all probably done crazy things that we would to be want to kept private
Cheryl Iovino

E-mail No. 11

Hi Greta,
The supposed Miss NJ scandal is a storm in a teacup — the photos were nothing to be outraged over, maybe a lack of judgment to put them in Facebook, but they do not shock me. What is shocking, is that there is someone out there who would be so vicious as to try and ruin this young woman's life. I do hope the authorities find out who it is - this is a person or persons who need help.
Linda Larson

E-mail No. 12

This is off the wall I know but, Harris is one of my favorite news people. The last couple nights she has had on the prettiest lipstick. I would really like to know what brand and color it is. Just a request and definitely not news worthy.
Thanks from one of your greatest fans.
Karen C.

ANSWER: I regret to tell you I don't know... and Harris is in NYC and I am in D.C.

E-mail No. 13

The most pitiful thing about the pictures of Miss N.J. is her apparent total lack of self respect and self esteem. How very sad for such a beautiful young lady who will now always be remembered only for poses so unladylike!
Judie Hayes
Tyler, TX

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