Toilet Clogger's Record Wiped Clean

The toilet-clogging charge against a Montana college student has been flushed down the drain.

As earlier reported in Out There, Jared Huffman, 19, was cited for misdemeanor criminal mischief after he bunged up a toilet at a border-crossing station Aug. 21.

On Aug. 31, a Toole County, Mont., judge dumped the case at the request of the county's attorney, who found there had been no permanent damage to the federal facilities at the Port of Sweet Grass (search), reported the Great Falls Tribune.

"That's beautiful," Huffman said upon hearing the news. "I don't think I did anything wrong."

Huffman could have gotten six months in jail and a $1,000 fine for the problematic poop.

"Hallelujah," said his mother, Paula Huffman, who said she'd publicized the story to "bring the injustice to light."

"Honestly, I don't think they [Customs and Border Patrol inspectors] should be getting away with abusing their power like that," Paula Huffman said.

Jared Huffman had been in one of three carloads of teenagers coming back across the U.S. border from a two-day party in Alberta, where the drinking age is 18.

Alcohol was found in one car, and as its driver was being cited, Huffman, who said he has irritable bowels, asked to use the locked bathroom.

Another traveler who used the port's potty after Huffman said the toilet was clogged. Huffman insists he used at most one-fifth of a roll of toilet paper, but the feds say it was at least half a roll.

Border officials threatened to throw the book at him, explaining that a conviction of vandalizing federal property could cost him his student loans and bar him from further trips to Canada.

Inspectors said Huffman had a defiant attitude, telling authorities to "bring it on."

Huffman admits that he didn't take the accusation seriously at first, but then offered to first flush, then plunge the toilet himself.

He said border officials told him he wouldn't be let back in the bathroom and that "they had absolutely no toilet plungers within 40 miles."

Frozen Toilet Ice Slams Into Garden Party

GRAZ, Austria (AP) — It was an inelegant intruder on a sunny afternoon: a chunk of ice from a jetliner toilet that broke free and slammed into an Austrian family's garden.

No one was injured when the ice tumbled from the sky Sunday afternoon in Graz, about 120 miles south of Vienna, authorities said. The fragment bore deep into the soil in the garden, where the unidentified family was enjoying a lazy summer afternoon.

Police said the 6-inch ice ball almost certainly came from an airliner toilet, judging from its blue color and its odor. They did not elaborate.

Snowmobile Gets Far-Off Parking Ticket

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — A Swedish mechanic says he won't pay a parking ticket that claims his snowmobile was illegally parked — in Britain.

Krister Nylander said he received a ticket Thursday from a British company ordering him to pay a $160 fine for an alleged parking violation in Warwick in central England.

Nylander, who lives on a farm in Bollstabruk, 205 miles north of Stockholm, said he's never been to Warwick and neither has his snowmobile.

"The snowmobile is parked in my barn," Nylander told The Associated Press. "It has never left Sweden."

He said the ticket from the London-based company Euro Parking Collection (search) claims his snowmobile was parked illegally in Warwick for three hours on June 22.

All information in the ticket is correct, such as the make of the snowmobile and the license plate number, he said.

Euro Parking Collection, which collects parking fines issued to foreign registered vehicles, did not answer calls seeking comment Sunday.

We Got Game — and Plenty of Weed

McALESTER, Okla. (AP) — Basketballs are usually puffed up with air, but somebody found a way of inflating one with a substance usually associated with puffing of another kind.

Oklahoma State Penitentiary officials cut into an exercise-yard basketball and found nearly two pounds of what was believed to be marijuana stuffed inside.

Acting on a tip from McAlester police, prison officials searched the yard and found the basketball, which held 30 one-ounce packets of the leafy substance.

They seized the basketball from the Talawanda Heights (search) unit, which houses 65 minimum-security inmates for the prison and sits away from the main part of the facility.

Department of Corrections spokeswoman Linda Morgan said two inmates are on lockdown in connection with the seizure.

Morgan said officials don't know how the basketball got on the prison grounds.

Family Feud Erupts Over Cheerleading Uniform

DANVILLE, Pa. (AP) — Give me an F-I-G-H-T! What does that spell? Trouble.

Three women were cited for disorderly conduct after a weekend fight over a young girl's cheerleading uniform.

Authorities said Judy Connolley, 57, and Natalie M. Dent, 35, engaged in a tug-of-war over the uniform, which belongs to Dent's daughter and Connolley's granddaughter, when both went to pick it up Saturday from a local fraternal organization.

The girl is a member of a local cheerleading club called the T-Railers.

Connolley said she was picking up the uniform when Dent arrived and pushed her to the floor. Dent, who is Connolley's former daughter-in-law, said she paid for the uniform, but that Connolley grabbed it; Dent said she tried to push Connolley away and that Connolley tripped over a box and fell.

"I did not push her to hurt her," Dent said. "I just pushed her away from me."

The third citation was issued to Rhonda L. Brobst, 34, Connolley's current daughter-in-law, who allegedly pushed Dent. Brobst said she did so to protect Connolley.

Gigantic Burrito Goes to Waste

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Volunteers ladled refried beans and slathered on the sour cream and salsa in Reno in an attempt to get into the record books. If accepted by the Guinness Book of World Records, the giant burrito crafted at the Nevada State Fair (search) on Sunday will be the one to beat.

The big burrito measured 8,076 feet in length and used more than 8,200 flour tortillas, 2,000 pounds of refried beans and 1,000 pounds each of sour cream, cheese and salsa.

If recognized, the Reno burrito will surpass the previous burrito record of 7,710 feet that was set in Mexico in 2001.

Nevada State Fair officials wanted to put Reno and the state fair on the international map, so they hired "Big Willie" Davidson to oversee the 160 volunteers.

Davidson set a previous burrito record of 5,312 feet in Deadwood, S.D., in 1994.

"When I told them what was involved, everyone looked at me like I was crazy," Davidson said. "But we got it done. I know we've met all the requirements.

"We'll send the documentation to Guinness in England and we'll know in three or four weeks if it's official."

Sunday's monster snack was all for show. Because it took about two hours to construct, organizers feared the sour cream could be contaminated with bacteria, so none was eaten.

"Sour cream and sunshine don't mix," said one volunteer.

Compiled by's Paul Wagenseil.

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