Three Ingredients for Transformational Change

Lately, things haven't made sense to me.

Now, I don't have all the answers, but millions of Americans come to my show each night because I'm asking different questions. Not only do Washington's answers not make sense, but the questions reporters are asking don't make sense. And we're running out of time.

I work with you each night to put the puzzle together. Tonight, I think I have a big piece for you.

Last week Scott Rasmussen conducted a new poll which showed that despite having the highest unemployment rate in the last 26 years and a teen unemployment rate of 25.9 percent — the highest in at least 60 years — corruption and ethics were more important to the American people than the economy.

That tells me that the puzzle we're piecing together each night is instinctively right. Our Republic is being stolen while our politicians are more concerned about enriching themselves and their buddies.

The unions are the reason for the bailouts of GM and Chrysler and AIG and the banks were bailed out because they are big donors to politicians. The power brokers of the unions need their health care and pensions covered. And big insurance companies and pharmaceuticals — who have cut a deal with President Obama while trying to shut their competitors out — that's the reason for these deals.

We know that.

I'm going to lay it out for you. This is the most important clip to help you understand all of the above:


BARACK OBAMA: The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society.

One of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change.


Let me break this down to be even simpler: Remember that exchange between candidate Obama and Joe the Plumber?


OBAMA: If the economy is good from the bottom up, it's going to be good for everyone.

I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody.


Spreading the wealth around — that sounds like the words of two people: One from the present and one from the past. The present is filmmaker Michael Moore who says capitalism is evil and the past is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who said: "In the past, the country was, in one way or another, governed by the rich or by the capitalists, but now the first time, the country is being governed by the classes and moreover, by the masses of those classes which capitalism formerly oppressed."

So now you know what we're dealing with: We're taking money from one individual and just giving it to another.

I know what I'm going to present makes people uncomfortable. No one wants to believe that the president or any elected official in Washington wants to transform the country:


OBAMA: We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.


Unfortunately, you can't always believe what people say. They know that you, that all Americans — Republicans, Democrats and Independents — instinctively push away from this idea of redistribution. But there are some radicals that just won't let go.

Let me introduce you to Deepak Bhargava. He's the executive director of the Center for Community Change. He worked for ACORN for years, lobbying for them. He also had an interesting view on what's happening with the stimulus package back in April — here's what he said:


DEEPAK BHARGAVA: Just to give you a sense of the dimensions of what has been accomplished in a very short period of time, there's been the largest public expenditure on anti-poverty programs hitting on the very poorest people in this country in 40 years.

All of this adding up to 3, 4, 5, $6,000 in literal income to someone making 4, 5, $6,000 a year or $10,000 a year. That's an extraordinary achievement.

It has certainly been a stealthy agenda — meaning: The administration has chosen not to lead with questions of poverty or racial justice.


A stealthy agenda.

Do you know why the left hates this show? It's because they can't understand people who say what they mean and mean what they say. I don't have a stealthy agenda, but I'm still called "conspiracy theorist."

But the community organizers have a stealthy agenda. But when they have a Trojan Horse like the Tides Foundation did:


JACOB HACKER: Someone once said to me, this is a Trojan horse for single-payer. I said, well, it's not a Trojan horse, right? It's just right there. I'm telling you, we're going to get there, over time, slowly, but we'll move away from reliance on employment-based health insurance, as we should.


This is why there is a lack of trust.

Look, we all know capitalism has been perverted by the greedy and powerful. We want a free market, but one that's free of out-of-control greed and corruption and hidden relationships and agendas with special favors that include Trojan horses, behind closed door meetings and stealthy agendas.

Remember last week while the president was traveling with the first lady and Oprah? I do, because I've taken a lot of heat for celebrating America's loss of the Olympics. I wasn't celebrating that — I was celebrating the fact that until corruption in Chicago is cleaned up, they shouldn't get the Games. I also believe we have other priorities right now.

When can we expect the president to give a decision on Afghanistan? Just this weekend, we had eight U.S. soldiers and two Afghan police officers killed in a Taliban attack. A decision needs to be made or else, as the top U.S. commander warns, we could lose.

General Stanley McChrystal tells the president: "Resources will not win this war, but under-resourcing could lose it.... The overall effort is deteriorating. We run the risk of strategic defeat."

With all of these statements from President Obama's allies, from those who surround him, it raises the question: What is Obama's Afghanistan strategy?

Does this make more sense now? Here are some more words from Deepak:


BHARGAVA: We know from history that there are at least three ingredients for that transformational change to happen: We do need visionary leadership that's capable of building durable coalitions; we need big crises — economic, foreign policy and otherwise — that force the breakdown of all paradigms and old ways of seeing the world. And most importantly we need independent social movements.


Do we have a strong leader? Do we have a crisis? What are we doing to get out of the crisis? Bailouts of car companies and banks aren't helping — they are hurting the economy more; we've wondered how small businesses are making it — they are not getting this help.

The last thing he said was we need a foreign policy emergency. The crisis part isn't new; remember Rahm Emanuel?


RAHM EMANUEL, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.


But look at the foreign aspect that's been introduced.

Do we have firefighters working for us or arsonists? Are we solving crisis or creating them?

Remember Ronald Reagan's words:


PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN: In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems; the government is the problem.


Corruption tops our list of concerns because we believe that government is here and it's not helping, it's making things worse. And you have to ask yourself: Is it intentional?

I'm not a journalist. I've joked that I'm a rodeo clown, but you know what? I'm not. I am a dad and I'm frankly a little pissed off. You can call me names, you can make fun of me, but I'm doing what I'm doing as a private citizen.

I'd love to have The New York Times or The Washington Post or a duo like Woodward and Bernstein helping me look into all of this. But they're more concerned about looking into my past, than any these issues. So we'll continue to fight this fight alone.

It's you and me and the FOX News Channel — the Alamo for truth.

It's the future of our children and grandchildren, so it's a fight I'm not going to give up. So here's what I need you to do: If you want to expose corruption and you're just a citizen mom or dad or grandparent, become a Watchdog — tweet me, e-mail me. And if you are a member of Congress or the administration, become a Re-founder — you'll be anonymous.

But if you want to be a slug, turn the channel — this show's not for you.

I'm tired of people in the press railing about how bad I am for the Republicans or Democrats or — honest to goodness — even questioning whether or not my mother committed suicide. I'm not even running for office and they're wasting they're time on this kind of despicable yellow journalism.

Why not spend your time proving me wrong or spend your time telling the American people I wasn't wrong on ACORN, the NEA or Van Jones. If I'm only in the ballpark, it's because I'm not a journalist, I'm just a dad doing this for my kids.

Would you like to help?

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on FOX News Channel