Things That Make You Go Hmm

This article falls under the headline "huh?"

Read this article (I have shortened it considerably) from TV Week (search) and pay particular attention to the underlined section. Then ask yourself, "Where do they get this stuff?"

In all the time that we have had "GretaPoll" we have mentioned the results on air just one, or two (???) times (although I have thought many times about doing it more:)

Service to Predict Stories' Popularity
Ratings-Focused Video Manager Challenges Broadcast News Judgment

By Daisy Whitney

News executives have to wait until the next morning to know how their newscasts fared in the ratings. But Jon Klein is behind a new service called Video Manager that could let them know before their news airs which stories will likely be the most-watched...
...News purists are likely to greet the idea with some skepticism because of the belief that news decisions should not be influenced by potential ratings. Still, the notion of incorporating Web site feedback into a newscast is not new. Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren integrates responses from the "Greta Poll" Online into her show "On the Record" each night. Cablevision-owned News12, with five regional news channels in the Northeast, has used viewer feedback on its Online bulletin boards as the basis for on-air series.
[End of article]

As an aside, I am delighted to have the mention in TV Week as it is free publicity for the show. I only wish that maybe Daisy would watch the show -- or maybe she DID watch that ONE night we talked about the poll.

Here is a recent e-mail that you might want to read:

E-mail No. 1 (in response to the blog last week in which I told you the Generals thought Steve Harrigan's helmet too small for his head):

My son, who is a military officer, saw Steve today trying to take cover during a firefight and noticed that his helmet DOES NOT fit him… He stated that if he were one of his soldiers he would definitely get one that fit him properly. Please Greta, call this to someone's attention who can get it done before Steve is killed or maimed because someone didn't give him the right size helmet.
Thank you
Elaine of Pasadena, Maryland

Plus, here are two more bumper sticker pictures from a loyal “On the Record” viewer!


Do you have something you'd like to say to Greta? Please write to her at!

Watch On the Record with Greta Van Susteren weeknights at 10 p.m. ET