The Whole Story?

And now the most fascinating two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Do Religion and Age Shape Gay Views?

On the same day as that Massachusetts Supreme Court (search) decision to allow gay marriages, a new Pew poll shows 59 percent of Americans oppose such marriage. That's up from 55 percent in a poll by a different organization taken a month earlier.

The new Pew poll, meanwhile, shows opposition to gay marriage tends to be stronger with age, with 74 percent of those over 65 opposing it while 46 percent of those under 30 do. In addition, religion is a key factor, with 81 percent of white protestant evangelicals opposing it and 59 percent of white Catholics opposing it.

The Whole Story

In a report on the opposition facing President Bush in London, National Public Radio's Marketplace quoted two British officials. One is member of Parliament George Galloway -- the vehement opponent of the war in Iraq who has been expelled from the labor party and has been accused in a prominent British newspaper of accepting payoffs from Saddam Hussein. Marketplace never mentioned that.

The other official quoted is Lord Mayor of London Ken Livingston, who, as we noted earlier, has described the president as -- "the greatest threat to life on this planet." But NPR never mentioned that either.

Rolling Out the Red Carpet?

Meanwhile, a new poll out of London shows that more Britons welcome the president than want him to stay home, by a margin of 43 to 36 percent. In addition, The Guardian newspaper poll shows that a majority of Britons, 62 percent, consider the U.S. a force for good.

Fifteen percent consider it a force for evil. The poll also shows more Britons -- 47 percent -- think the war in Iraq was justified than think it was not, with 41 percent saying that. Still, 67 percent, say coalition forces should stay in Iraq until the situation is more stable.

Between A Rock and ...

Senate Democrats might appear to be in a tight political spot if they resist the recent Medicare (search) compromise, since a number of Democrats support it, and it would for the first time provide prescription drug benefits to 40 million seniors and disabled people.

The Washington Post analyzes the politics as follows -- "if Democrats can block the Medicare deal, they will carry with them one of the most potent political weapons in politics today: the charge that Bush and a GOP Congress cannot deliver the right medicine for the elderly, who vote in large numbers."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report