The Unwanted Houseguest

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," April 23, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Well, 69-year-old Sandra Frosti (ph) wasn't exactly expecting company, and definitely not the sort of company that has scales. On Monday night, Sandra hears a noise from her bedroom. She checks it out. And? Well, this is terrifying, an eight-foot-long alligator in her kitchen. Sandra runs into her bedroom and calls 911. Here is her stunned call to police.


SANDRA FROSTI: This is Mrs. Frosti at 20 Evelyn (ph) Court.

911 OPERATOR: What's going on?

FROSTI: There's an alligator in my kitchen!

911 OPERATOR: How tall -- or how long do you think the alligator is?

FROSTI: It's huge.

911 OPERATOR: Well, how long is huge?

FROSTI: I don't know. I only saw the first half of it, and that had to be at least three feet. And I -- because it was behind the freezer, and I just disappeared.

911 OPERATOR: You sure it couldn't be, like, an iguana or a really large...

FROSTI: Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

911 OPERATOR: What was your first name again?

FROSTI: Sandra.

911 OPERATOR: All right. We'll get deputies out that way. Thank you. Bye, now.


VAN SUSTEREN: Well, why did the alligator come inside, and how did it get in? Well, joining us is Charles Carpenter, an agent, alligator agent with Florida Fish and Wildlife. He went into Sandra's kitchen. Charles, that's quite a 911 call that they received. But how does an alligator get into your kitchen in the first place?

CHARLES CARPENTER, CAPTURED AND REMOVED ALLIGATOR: Well, the screen room (ph) in the back had a big rip in it. Apparently, the alligator came in through the screen panel after the resident's cat, followed it through the pair of sliding glass doors, went in through the living room, then went through a dining room, through a hallway, and then ended up in a kitchen.

Watch: Greta's interview with Charles Carpenter

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So how long after the 911 call did you arrive at the home?

CARPENTER: I don't remember. There was a lot of delays between two or three dispatchers, and probably an hour-and-a-half by the time we got there.

VAN SUSTEREN: So where was the woman when you arrived? I know where the alligator was, but where was the woman?

CARPENTER: She was standing in the room with the deputies. There was a few deputies there by the time we arrived.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I take it they had the kitchen blocked off at that point?

CARPENTER: It wasn't really blocked off. They were just trying to keep their distance so the alligator didn't get any more agitated than he already was.

VAN SUSTEREN: So what -- so I see there's a rope around the alligator. What do you do, almost lasso him and take him out? I mean, how do you do this?

CARPENTER: Well, first, we tried to lure him to get him to come out. We didn't want to destroy the resident's house. He wouldn't cooperate. And then we decided we'd try to perhaps get him taped up in the room. And then between me and the deputies, we could carry him out. And he didn't want to cooperate with that, either. He kept trying to take the towel out of my hands. So finally, we didn't have any other option other than putting a rope around his neck and dragging him out.

VAN SUSTEREN: So where is he?

CARPENTER: Excuse me?

VAN SUSTEREN: Where is he now?

CARPENTER: Where is he now? He's sitting in our holding trailer still. We haven't done anything with him.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, what's going to happen to him? Doesn't he get to go back to wherever he was?

CARPENTER: No. The state fish and wildlife has guidelines. Pretty much anything over four foot is not allowed to be relocated, so our directives are to take him to a processing plant, where he'll...

VAN SUSTEREN: Destroy him?

CARPENTER: ... Get put down and -- yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, that doesn't sound quite right, but maybe that's just me.

CARPENTER: Well, there's quite a population. The alligator population has rebounded a little bit faster than was expected. And next issue you have is if you put an alligator that size into another group, he's probably going to get his butt whipped, and he's going to get shoved out into a neighborhood, which is quite likely what happened this time.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, maybe I was thinking more like a zoo or wherever they go, or aquarium of something. But anyway, Charles, thank you.

CARPENTER: Thank you.

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