The Ultimate Fighting Championship: Barflies vs. Mullets

As far as shamefully horrifying hairdos go, few can deny the mullet’s long-standing reign of terror as the most miserable mop around.

And unfortunately for those who aren't on the bandwagon, the mullet is a wily and pervasive pestilence among us.

Despite the near-constant cavalcade of shame strewn upon the fashion-unconscious who sport the famously uneven crop, the mullet refuses to die.

But a few scissor-wielding patrons at a Spring Lake Park, Minn., sports bar have taken things into their own hands. And by things, of course, we mean the hair of unsuspecting beer drinkers who’ve chosen to leave it “a little long in the back.”

America, cue the hero music and meet the folks behind Mullet Mania.

When a few of the regulars at Monte’s sports bar found their favorite watering hole all-too-often festooned with mullets, they started snipping, WCCO reports.

“So it started as a joke that we were going to run around with scissors and cut off all the mullets and ponytails,” organizer Darice Weems said.

But once they started cutting, they spawned a madcap moneymaking machine.

Organizers started a scholarship fund for the local high school by putting bounties on people’s overly-hairy heads.

"It was pandemonium. We couldn't keep up with the bounties. We had three and four bounties at a time going," Weems said.

But these daring do-gooders did more than just make things … well … a little prettier around their neck of the woods.

They donated all of their clippings to Locks for Love to make wigs for cancer patients.

"So it's a win-win for everybody. We don't have to look at as many mullets and long hairs. The guys get free haircuts, and school gets free scholarships and Locks of Love gets a lot of hair from a small town," Weems said.

Like a Bull in a China Shop ... Without the China Shop

LEWISTON, Maine (AP) — A one-ton rodeo bull escaped from a pen, setting off a chase that involved police and a horseback rider before the animal was captured in a backyard.

Dirty Rider apparently jumped a fence at the Colisee arena, where a professional bull-riding event was being held. He was cornered and roped within 15 minutes, but he gave handlers a battle and neighbors a start before being herded into a trailer.

"I was going to go to the rodeo tonight," said Jim Nelson, watching at a safe distance. "I guess it came to me instead."

Everyone came away fine, police Cpl. Tim Darnell said, "except for one unhappy bull."

Family's Flopping Fishies Found on the Fairway

NASHUA, N.H. (AP) — Cats and dogs who wander from home get reunited with their owners all the time.

But fish?

Floodwaters from the Merrimack River recently swamped the Brand family's backyard pond, sweeping away seven of their 11 Koi fish and depositing them on the third fairway of the nearby Nashua Country Club.

"By the time I could get out there, I found only four fish," Eric Brand said. "Just figured the rest were carried away and had dried up somewhere."

The flooding had left enough water on the golf course to keep the fish alive long enough for David Deane, a city alderman and groundskeeper, to find them.

Deane said he was pumping water off the course when he noticed the fish flopping on the ground. Thinking they might be pets, he went to get a bucket.

Brand said a neighbor saw an item in The Sunday Telegraph on May 28 about Deane's fish rescue and called Brand, leaving him a message. But Brand didn't hear it for more than a week.

On Tuesday, the Brands were reunited with their fish.

Making Your Kid Look Bad. Again, and Again and Again

GARY, Ind. (AP) — Triplets who have taken nearly all their courses together for the past 12 years will graduate at the top of their class.

With a 4.41 grade-point average, Melinda Rosado is class valedictorian. On her heels is Maritza, who is salutatorian and has a 4.39 GPA. Maricella, with a 4.19 GPA, ranks sixth out of 111 students at Calumet High School set to graduate Sunday.

"They think alike," said their mother, Christina Rosado.

Even after studying separately, the 18-year-olds would often miss the same question on an exam, they said. In-class essay assignments sometimes turned out eerily similar, even if the girls were sitting away from each other.

The teens said their parents, particularly their mother, always made sure they followed a strict academic regimen.

"She would say, 'let me see your book bag, what homework do you have?'" Maritza said. "She made sure we knew school and learning were important."

The girls plan to enroll at Indiana University Northwest in the fall.

Melinda wants to be a pediatrician, Maritza plans to study psychology and Maricella hopes to become a nurse.

Compiled by's Taylor Timmins.

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