The Rules to Saying the 'L' Word this Valentine's Day!

1. It's in the details.

She'll remember exactly what she was wearing and what you smelled like. Really — she's wired that way. Women remember details from dates down to the minute. So, keep in mind that she's going to retell the story from every angle. Don't assume she won't notice something ... because she will!

2.Location, location, location.

Pick the right place — favorites are over dinner when you just get wine or a quiet moment alone when you are looking into her eyes. Though you may want to blurt it out during a concert or amusement park ride, avoid the temptation — you might get a puzzled look and repeat of "you lost your glove?"

3. Don't stutter.

Love is a big word, practice saying it out loud beforehand. Don't say "really like," "you are so special" or, "you make me swoon." Use the big L word, you can do it.

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