‘The Pot Calling The Kettle’…

And now the most absorbing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

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‘The Pot Calling The Kettle’…

TV commentator, author and independent California gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington, an outspoken critic of, ‘fat cats’ who avoid paying taxes…has herself paid only $771 in income taxes over the past two years. She says she just didn't make enough to have to pay anything more, but that's all going to change next year when she reaps the benefits of a New York Times best seller and a new book contract. She says she is…’looking forward to ... paying taxes.’

Plane But Not Simple

Texas Republicans now want a federal investigation into whether those state Democrats who are still hiding out in New Mexico to stop a redistricting bill violated federal campaign finance laws by using a bank's private jet to get there. The democrats say the plane was donated not by the bank but by its president, so it wasn't a violation. Problem is, FAA records uncovered by the San-Antonio Express News show the president doesn't own a plane and the bank owns two. Even so, says democratic state Senator Juan Hinojosa, the use of the jet wasn't a campaign contribution, it was an in-kind contribution to the senate Hispanic caucus.

Episcopal Poll

One week after the Episcopal Church decided to recognize same-sex unions, a new poll out today shows that 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the decision. The Washington Post poll also shows that nearly half of all Americans who regularly attend church say they would leave their church if their minister blessed gay unions, even if their denomination approved such unions. Meanwhile, 62 percent of Americans oppose same-sex marriages, according to a new FOX news/opinion dynamics poll. 26 percent favor them. And as for that Constitutional Amendment that would define marriage as being just between a man and a woman: 58 percent support that, and 34 percent oppose it.

BBC Under Pressure

Amid a wide-ranging official inquiry into how BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan came to report that British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his communications chief, ‘sexed up’ pre-war intelligence on Iraq, another BBC reporter is now accusing BBC editors and managers of, ‘trying to mold my stories so they reached the same conclusion.’ Newsnight reporter Susan Watts has testified that, ‘there were significant differences between my reports and his reports,’ so the BBC put her under, ‘considerable pressure’ to change her story.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report