The Idea of Free-Thinking Journalism Is Dead

So, The Daily Caller has published more e-mails from Journolist, that secret group of liberal media hacks. And surprise, they're about Sarah Palin. And they aren't positive!

First, they focused on how the media could help Obama beat McCain by ruining Palin. Jonathan Stein from Mother Jones loved the idea that the pick should be labeled sexist. He writes, "That's excellent! If enough people — people on this list? — write that the pick is sexist, you'll have the networks debating it for days. And that negates the SINGLE thing Palin brings to the ticket."

But my fave? Weenie Ben Adler, now at Newsweek, writing, "… doesn't leaving sad baby without its mother while she campaigns weaken that family values argument?" Maybe so, Ben, but how do you know her baby is "sad"? Perhaps you could share your expertise in this area, douchebag.

Here's what we've learned so far from the e-mails:

• They sooooo wanted Obama to win

• They cried like little girls when he did (he's their Justin Bieber)

• They conspired to label anyone who disagreed with them as racists

• They hate Sarah Palin

So let's get this straight: Everything we've read is exactly what we suspected about the mainstream media all along. All of these revelations boil down to one supreme epiphany: They completely fulfill the mundane, predictable stereotype of the contemporary media hack.

The real point: With the exception of Fox News, a few mags, some talk radio hosts and websites, the idea of free-thinking journalism is dead. These goofs — Adler, Ackerman, that toolbag Jeffrey Toobin — try so hard to swagger via e-mail, yet they come off less rebellious than Kenneth from "30 Rock." They're the Eddie Haskells of modern media — slobbering kittens reeking from the desperate sweat of sycophancy.

And if you disagree with me, you're a racist homophobe who hasn't purchased "The Bible of Unspeakable Truths."

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 3 a.m. ET. Send your comments to: