The Foxlight: 'Seinfeld,' 'Alexander,' Colin, Paris

Sick of "Seinfeld," "Alexander" bombs and Colin and Paris rumors in today's Foxlight.

Foxlight enjoyed that NBC special the other night on "Seinfeld," (search) with Jerry walking around New York and L.A. telling us how it all began. But let me ask this: Between that special and the fact that all the episodes are on TV for free five times a day, who is buying the DVD set? "Who are these people?"

"Alexander" (search) tanking at the box office? Foxlight predicted this a week ago.

Meanwhile, the New York Daily News is reporting Colin Farrell (search) hooked up with another blonde. Who? It's uber-prom date and home video gal Paris Hilton (search). A legitimate camera crew filming her for a Barbara Walters special caught the two meeting for a late date. I guess it was just a question of time before that happened.

"The Chronicles of Riddick" (search) may do a little better on DVD than it did in theaters. I'm still convinced this follow-up to "Pitch Black" proves Vin Diesel is a better actor in a dark room. But look how much he enjoyed our time together recently, especially since I wore the gift he gave me.