The Foxlight: Murray, Britney, Sharon Stone, Kate Beckinsale

Bill Murray dissed, Britney's dog food, Sharon's "slander" and "Underworld 2" underway in today's Foxlight.

Get outta here, you knucklehead. That's how Bill Murray (search) must have felt the other day when he was verbally ambushed by a disgruntled cameraman. The guy stood up at a Q&A for "Life Aquatic" and asked Murray why he's such a bastard. Seems this particular cameraman worked with Murray on "Charlie's Angels," the movie Murray made no secret of hating. The room was stunned. Murray said nothing. And the Q&A continued with the rest of the folks minding their p's and q's. How great would it be if like "Groundhog Day," this cameraman now goes to every Murray press event and asks the same question over and over?

Want proof Britney Spears (search) makes too much money for whatever it is she does? In Vegas at a fancy-shmancy restaurant, she ordered a $150 steak for her dog.

Sharon Stone (search) says she's never had a face-lift. And she's prepared to say it in court. She's steamed at a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who's telling the tabloids he nipped and tucked the 40-something once-upon-a-time bombshell. She'd scowl but she probably can't.

Finally, Kate Beckinsale (search) says she loved playing Ava Gardner in "The Aviator," but she's excited about making a sequel to "Underworld." Wish the rest of us felt the same way.