The Foxlight: Janet, 'The Rock,' Passing 'Passion'

The Jacksons stir up the Soul Train Music Awards, President "Rock" and Jesus slips to No. 2 in today's Foxlight.

Janet Jackson says black women everywhere can endure, and so she'll be fine after the Super Bowl flap. She told a crowd at the Soul Train Music Awards (search) that fan support helped her through the tough times. But odder than that — Outkast won something called "The Michael Jackson Award." They still give a Michael Jackson award? The only thing appropriate about that is that a band called Outkast won it.

So "The Rock" (search) may run for public office? His real last name is Johnson, so he'd be President Johnson. I like the idea of those State of the Union speeches with full body contact and political disputes solved with a headlock, but Rock, two words of caution: "Jesse Ventura." Do you really want to end up with a failed MSNBC talk show?

Finally, the definition of ironic? "Dawn of the Dead" (search) knocking Jesus off the top spot at the box office. Mel Gibson finally found out there is hell to pay.