The Flipside of News

I wonder what would happen if for one day we turned reporting on numbers upside down.

For example, report that 99.9998 percent of all planes — commercial and commuter — landed safely last year without incident.

Or that 95.3 percent of Americans are working. Or that 92 percent of all retailers made money.

What if we ignored things like expectations or estimates and just reported the fact that more than eight out of 10 U.S. companies made money this past quarter over the year before? And that more than half of them made a lot more.

Or, what if, when reporting on U.S. carmakers and their autos that aren't selling, we discussed the majority of models that are? What if we highlighted the plants that are running effectively and the workers that are responding productively?

What if we took time to mention the vast majority of corporate bosses who don't steal or swindle or cajole?

I know there's a predisposition in my profession of journalism to go for the jugular and the negative.

There's an expression in this business that, "if it bleeds, it leads."

I know that. I just don't think we should forget this: There are more people trying to do good than are convinced the vast majority is doing something bad. For one day, I'd like that reported.

Many of our politicians and media may have failed us. But we haven't. So I say this: Acknowledge not all the news is good... just the vast majority of it.

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