The Fast-Food Diet

The kids are heading back to school, the fall is approaching, and it's time again for new reading material! Recently, I took notice of two books that I think may deserve your attention.

As always, I welcome your comments or reading suggestions. If you have any specific suggestions, send me a quick note on recommended reading. E-mail me at

Dr. Manny's ranking system:

"The Fast Food Diet"
by Stephen Sinatra, M.D. and Jim Punkre
This book, written by a top national cardiologist and nutritionist, describes a new plan to lose weight and feel great. The author takes into account our society's fascination with the fast-food industry, and rather than lecturing you on how badly you are eating, teaches you how to use your daily routine and cut calories from your diet. From choosing the right type of dressing for your fast-food salad, to switching from your sugar-based soda to seltzer with a lemon wedge, this book will definitely help you lose weight and become a better consumer in those fast-food places where you love to eat. Ultimately, this book will make you a better consumer, by showing you how getting healthy is just a matter of developing good habits.

Two hearts

"Enriching the Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner's Potential"
by Eric Jensen
I was fascinated by this book, especially since I am the father of an autistic son. Figuring out how to teach autistic children is one of the greatest challenges that parents and teachers undergo every day. One thing I personally believe is that education for many children needs to be customized, since a lot of new research points to how people learn in many different ways. This book helps explain just that in a very well-written format. Mr. Jensen shows the dynamic of the human brain and its capacity for positive change. He gives specific details on how parents and teachers can maximize the learning potential of any child. This book is a must-read for any person who is interested in educating children.

Three hearts

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