The Factor in the News Again

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Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thanks for watching us tonight.

Well, once again The Factor is making news. That is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.

A couple of weeks ago, we pounded the government of Saudi Arabia for holding a number of American citizens and refusing to allow their American relatives to see them.

The case that we focused on involved Aliyah (ph) and Alicia Geshyan (ph). The girls were taken by their Saudi father from the USA in 1986, and since that time, their mother, Pat Roush, has been trying to get them back.

We confronted the Saudi spokesman, Abel Al-Jubeir, about the situation.


O'REILLY: Let the Fox News Channel have an interview and a press conference with these girls so Americans can see exactly what they want to do. Fair enough?

ABEL AL-JUBEIR, SAUDI SPOKESMAN: Bill, we don't take a position in this. Whatever the girls want to do is their business. We asked...

O'REILLY: Fine, fine, let's find out...


O'REILLY: ... what they want to do. Let's put them on national what television.

AL-JUBEIR: Call, call them, call them, if they want...

O'REILLY: No. Let's put them on next week.

AL-JUBEIR: ... if they are willing to do an interview with you...

O'REILLY: We'll pay for the whole thing.

AL-JUBEIR: ... I'm sure they'll do it. We don't take a position as the government...

O'REILLY: All right.

AL-JUBEIR: ... this is a private matter.

O'REILLY: I'm going to take you up on that, Mr. Al-Jubeir, I'm going to go, our producers, I'm going to go through you, we're going to talk...

AL-JUBEIR: You -- you will call...

O'REILLY: ... to these ladies...

AL-JUBEIR: ... no, you will call them directly, because then if they say no, you're going to blame it on us. Our point is...

O'REILLY: Well, if they have a gun to their, how do I know if (UNINTELLIGIBLE)...

AL-JUBEIR: They don't have a gun.

O'REILLY: ... have a gun to their head?

AL-JUBEIR: One of them is 23 years old, she's married...


AL-JUBEIR: ... she has children. The other is...

O'REILLY: Let's, let's put her on television.

AL-JUBEIR: ... in college, they have (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- they have met with the...

O'REILLY: Let's put her on TV.


Well, Mr. Al-Jubeir did arrange for the girls, now ages 24 and 19, fly to London, England, and meet with Factor producer Stacey Hocheiser. No cameras were permitted, and an American PR woman hired by the Saudis monitored the conversation. The ladies spoke in Arabic, we hired our own translator. Conversation was fascinating...

Editor's note: A transcript of The O'Reilly Factor segment with the mother of the two girls, Pat Roush, will be posted shortly on the Web site.

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Time now for "The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day."

As you know, The Factor was instrumental in getting thug rapper Ludacris off the Pepsi Cola bandwagon. Last week, they canned him as a spokesman. We had criticized Pepsi for rewarding Ludacris' bad behavior. He raps about demeaning women, abusing drugs, the usual degenerate stuff.

Anyway, a Fox News producer caught up with Ludacris.


UNIDENTIFIED FOX NEWS PRODUCER: What do you think of Bill O'Reilly?

LUDACRIS, RAPPER: What do I think of O'Reilly? This is what I think of O'Reilly. If he has children, I'm about to send them an advance copy of this "Disturbing the Peace" album we got coming out September 17. I love you. I love the kids. Man, that's how I feel about you, dog.


O'REILLY: Well, here's how I feel about you, pooch. You peddle garbage to children, and then you say you care about them. Doesn't cut it in the No Spin Zone. We know who and what you are. Ridiculous is an understatement.

— You can watch Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 & 11p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel. Send your comments to: