The Comeback of President Bush

The comeback of President Bush: that is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo".

Mostly positive reviews for the president's speech last night, even from unfriendly sources. Mr. Bush delivered big money promises, hope, and some contrition. I thought the speech was well written.

About the only dissenting voice right after the speech was the always reliable Jesse Jackson.


JESSE JACKSON, RAINBOW/PUSH: We've simply put the focus on taxes for the wealthy and prosperity gospel in our churches, and the war in Iraq. And we've left the poor behind. And it took this disaster to make the president see to begin, to back into a war on poverty.


Well, Jackson's statement is flat out untrue. It's just false. It's like saying the St. Louis Cardinals are not in first place. Look at the standings, Reverend. It's right there in black and white.

As we demonstrated a few days ago, the Bush administration is spending far more on the poor than any other administration in history, much more than Bill Clinton did. If you want the stats, please read my column on

Jackson's propaganda, of course, rarely challenged by the press, generally let him say anything he wants to say. And he'll do anything to denigrate Mr. Bush.

For example, in a wider concern, the press, which is in it with Jackson, this is a note that a Reuters photographer shot a private note, written by President Bush to Condoleezza Rice at the U.N., the middle of the session earlier this week. The president needed a bathroom break and alerted the secretary to the situation.

Now Reuters, which leans left, released this picture, knowing full well it would be used to mock the president. And it was all over the world.

Now this is a small thing, but a big issue. It's the same thing with Jackson. They're going to bash Bush no matter what. He's never going to get a fair shake, ever.

Now the danger is that 300 million Americans are living in a country where objectivity and fair play have pretty much disappeared in the media. So how are we supposed to know the truth about events and people? The press is supposed to be our eyes and ears.

But increasingly, the media has turned into a nasty partisan group of ideologues. And if you disagree with them, you're going to get personally attacked. Reuters should be ashamed of itself.

Jackson, he's just going to say whatever he wants to say. But Reuters isn't ashamed of itself because along with fairness, shame has disappeared from the American newsroom. The breakdown of standards has arrived quickly, and I'm afraid, hate to say it, it's here to stay.

And that's “The Memo.”

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

A nice ad for "The Factor" today in the New York Post. It chronicles the fact that this broadcast has been No. 1 on cable news for more than 200 straight weeks.

Soon after the ad appeared, I got a call from Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum wondering asking if we stole their technique for the picture. I told them that was ridiculous.

Also, we have a brand new company providing clothes to me, your humble correspondent, Tallia Custom Clothiers. We have information about them posted on if you guys want to look sharp.

—You can watch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the FOX News Channel. Send your comments to: