The Buzz: Open Windows?

If you didn’t catch Thursday’s edition of Your World with Neil Cavuto, here’s what you missed:

Microsoft Corp., in the aftermath of a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that said its competitive practices broke the law, agreed to give computer manufacturers the option of removing shortcuts to certain Microsoft applications from the Windows desktop.

Is this a sign that Bill Gates is preparing to settle the antitrust lawsuit? And are the states ready to deal?

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal was not impressed by the scope of Microsoft’s overture.

"These announcements... are pretty minimal," Blumenthal said. "The question is, are they a sign of Microsoft's willingness to change fundamentally the way they use their monopoly power in the market?"

Blumenthal noted that while the states are open to the possibility of a settlement, the suit would continue until Microsoft changes "the way they have misused its power and its practices in the future."

Here’s what you had to say about the issue:

I for one feel more in need of protection from the government (see first ten amendments) than I am from Microsoft.  Mr. Gates will not haul me off in handcuffs if I don't buy his product.  The same is not true if I don't pay my taxes.
Matthew C. P.
Port Clinton, OH

[Blumenthal] may be a smart man, but all I could see in his eyes were dollar signs every time he mentioned Mircosoft.
Howard M.
Pleasanton, CA

Next time you have the Connecticut Attorney General on, ask him what is it like being a member of the parasite class that feeds off of real producers like Bill Gates?
Westlake Village, CA

Neil, as I watch the Conn.A.G. why do I think, shark?
Jim L.
Climax Springs, MO

We live in a capitalist country where free enterprise is our right, and the right of everyone, including Bill Gates.  If he has a product that is better than anyone else's and nobody can come up with anything that is anywhere near what his can do, why should the government have any right to break up his company.

Guys like CT AG Blumenthal are looking to line the pockets of the states' coffers. Assuming the state AGs get a settlement, who gets the cash?  All of those poor, ripped-off consumers of MSFT software?  Right!
Shelley P.
Arlington, VA

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And watch Your World with Neil Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. ET.