The Art of Being 'Perfectly Imperfect'


This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," , May 5, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: A very special guest is here in Washington to go "On the Record," "New York Times" best-selling author Lee Woodruff. Lee and her husband, of course, ABC reporter Bob Woodruff, co-wrote the number one bestseller "In an instant."

Lee's new book is "Perfectly Imperfect, a Life in Parts." And I knew you'd be back with a new book. I knew it because I loved the first one, and I love this one.



VAN SUSTEREN: We have to start with the title. Whose idea?

WOODRUFF: Yes. You know, it was a collaboration with my editor and myself, because she looked at the whole collection, and she said "This is really just about life, a life that is never perfect, that never goes as planned." So you increase the imperfect.

VAN SUSTEREN: It is so interesting reading the book. I love all the family stories that start off. I think it was Orlando at Disney World.

And then it also goes through the pain, and I do not mean to jump at this, but I have so many questions for you, with Mel.

WOODRUFF: Yes, Melanie Bloom, the widow of David Bloom, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: The two of you.

WOODRUFF: The tow of us. And that's really a chapter for anybody who has got a best friend and who has gone through something with that friend that pulls you together, whether it's a bad divorce or loss of child. We all have friends that have taken us through hard times.

This is sort of an homage to that. And, then, of course, it has the very happy ending of Melanie remarrying a little more than a year ago. And there is redemption after a horrible tragedy.

VAN SUSTEREN: But it is so well-written that you feel like -- there is one scene where you and Mel, I think, are sitting in baggage claim someplace --


VAN SUSTEREN: Here at the baggage claim, just the two of you. And I felt like a voyeur, like I was there. You could feel the scene on that one.

WOODRUFF: That's a compliment.

VAN SUSTEREN: The two of you -- I guess you were friends before, but the circumstances certainly --

WOODRUFF: We were friends before, and the same war takes two different guys in two different ways, loves of our life.

And we were sort of sitting there, I'll never forget that, right here in Washington, just sort of shell shocked, like, "Wow, did this really happen?" A few years ago we were all just playing tennis and raising our babies.

VAN SUSTEREN: And now, of course, Bob, who is doing very well, I might add.

WOODRUFF: He's doing amazing. Back on the air on ABC and running around chasing stories and chasing kids.

VAN SUSTEREN: Of course, he got the interview we all wanted, John Edwards. But that's another story.


We talked about off-camera how he beat everyone. The other thing that is interesting is the multitasking.


VAN SUSTEREN: You're like -- mothers are air-traffic controllers at O'Hare with all of the planes coming in at once.

WOODRUFF: All the work we do now in the area of brain injury for our vets, I can tell you so much about the brain. But you probably know this - - women's brains truly are calibrated differently than men. They have found that physiologically, we are just simply able to do more things at once than men. So you can feel superior.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bob, I take it, has read the book?

WOODRUFF: Bob has read the book. And he writes the introduction. And my kids have only read the parts that apply to them. I forced them to read it so that they wouldn't end up on the couch years from now blaming me.

VAN SUSTEREN: How old are they?

WOODRUFF: Mac is 17. He's heading off to college in the fall. Katherine is 15, and the twins just turned nine.

VAN SUSTEREN: It is interesting how you talk about when they are babies and you could touch them when they were naked. Now everyone is running all covered up, and everything. The family, the mother, all these roles sort of change.

WOODRUFF: They do change. And I think that that's part of the book, at least people tell me, it celebrates the different phases and the different roles that we have as parents, as girlfriend, as child, as spouse.

And you put all those things together, and they defined sort of a life. And these are little moments. Collectively seen, there are things that we can all connect to.

VAN SUSTEREN: This is a great book for Mother's Day. I recommend it to all the viewers.

Also, I can't let you go without talking about the foundation for brain injured vets.

WOODRUFF: Thank you. Yes, the And we're asking everyone to twitter. Go to If someone risked their life for you, would you give them a dollar? When you twitter over Memorial Day weekend, you give a dollar to our foundation, which goes 100 percent to a wounded veteran and their family.

We owe these guys big.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you must twitter over Memorial Day. And if you forget, where do you go again?


VAN SUSTEREN: I will also blog about it in case anyone is not marking it

WOODRUFF: Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: Lee, great book. Everyone's going to be reading it on Mother's Day and more. Always nice to see you, tell Bob --

WOODRUFF: Love seeing you. I will.

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