Texas Treats and Thoughts on School Safety

What is “Fried Coke?" I mentioned sampling the latest treat at the Texas State Fair. It is disgustingly delicious!! Basically, you soak dough balls in Coke then fry them up. You then serve them in a half glass of Coke and top with whipped cream. Yum! Gross to look at but yummy. I also sampled a fried peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwich for the first time. Too good to even begin to explain. Yes, I am now on a diet!!

By the way, Texas beat OU, but that Adrian Peterson is an incredible player!

On to other news: the president is meeting with law officers, teachers, etc., to discuss steps to take in the wake of the school shootings. Many of you e-mailed me to point out that short of closing all schools and locking your kids in their rooms, it is virtually impossible to stop some deranged nut case from walking into an Amish schoolhouse and shooting people. Yet, I suppose the fact that they’re meeting to discuss the situation makes someone feel better.

Still, it’s hard to see what more they could change. Many schools already have metal detectors, armed guards, and more. Often, you hear of kids getting weapons in regardless of the measures in place. When something like this occurs (especially in the least likely of places) you have to question how far you want to go in securing schools before they begin to resemble a maximum security prison.

What did you think about the Texas report where the school taught kids and teachers how to use classroom items to fight back? Good idea or giving kids concern for nothing?

Thank you for the number of volunteers for our “Does it Work” segment. We are just starting to put those together. What do you wonder works?

Also, let me know if you’d like to take part as our testers: e.d.hill@foxnews.com

Finally, thank you to those who enjoyed the interviews with Karyn Frist and James Baker. Yes, the story about President Reagan and Queen Elizabeth was a hoot. I’ve added links to their books on my Web site: www.hillfriends.com

See you tomorrow,


E.D. Hill anchors 'FOX News Live' weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET. Send your comments to e.d.hill@foxnews.com