Taking Responsibility?

Topic A for Monday's show: In the past few days, some Muslims around the world have been making some remarkable statements.

The U.S. based Free Muslim Coalition Against Terror (search) has just put out a statement, apologizing for 9/11: "Will Muslims wake up... the blaming of all Muslim problems on Jews is a cancer that is destroying Muslim society..."

Addressing the school massacre in Russia, the general manager of a prominent Arab newspaper writes that it is "shameful" that the attackers were Muslim. He goes on to say, "What a pathetic record... Does this tell us anything about ourselves, our societies and our culture?"

There are more prominent Muslims with equally strong statements. Hooray for them for their moral courage. I wish they had spoken sooner, but at least they're finally saying the words we longed to hear.

On another matter, Monday is when the assault weapons ban expires here in the U.S. It simply doesn't have the votes in Congress to renew it. Why?

Please chime in on both of these stories and I'll put as many of your e-mails on the air as I can. The address is: dayside@foxnews.com

Have a great weekend,


Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET