'Super Bowl' of California Recall Debates

Wednesday, Sept. 24 at 9 p.m. ET

Hosted by Brit Hume, FNC managing political editor.

Panelists include:

Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard

Michael Barone, senior writer for U.S. News & World Report

Mara Liasson, national political corresondent for NPR

They debate. You decide.

All eyes are on California as that state's leading gubernatorial candidates prep for what Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger (search) has been billing as the "Super Bowl" of debates.

Wednesday's event, which is being hosted by the California Broadcasters Association (search) at the California State University at Sacramento, will be broadcast on the FOX News Channel from 9 p.m ET to 11 p.m .ET.

The debate will be Schwarzenegger's first; the other four gubernatorial recall hopefuls — Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante (search), Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock (search), independent Arianna Huffington (search) and Green Party candidate Peter Camejo (search) — will be meeting for a third time.

The 12 voter questions being asked of the candidates (on topics including how to balance the budget, the meaning of a colorblind society and services for senior citizens) have already been made public.

Click here for the full list.

We've got it covered... so stay tuned to FOX News Channel for complete analysis of what promises to be the most-watched public debate in California history!

The Associated Press contributed to this report.