Sunday, October 24 Edition

Sunday, October 24:

Check your local listings to watch our show on FOX television in your area or catch us on FOX News Channel at 5 p.m. ET!

This week on FOX News Sunday...

With just over a week go to until election day both President Bush (search) and Senator Kerry (search) are ratcheting-up the political rhetoric. What are the candidate's final messages to voters as they race towards November 2? We'll ask White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett (search) and the Senior Adviser for the Kerry/Edwards campaign Tad Devine (search).

Plus, control of the U.S. Senate is also up for grabs on election night... What are the key races that could lead to a dramatic change in the chamber? We'll talk with Virginia's Senator George Allen Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and New Jersey's Senator Jon Corzine Chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

And, we'll have the powerful political punditry you've come to expect from our all-star panel: Brit Hume, FOX News Washington managing editor, and FOX News contributors: Ceci Connolly  of "The Washington Post," Juan Williams of National Public Radio, and Bill Kristol of "The Weekly Standard."