Students Used as Political Pawns?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," May 13, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Tonight: Now, who is proud of this one, making high school girls political pawns? Doesn't this just make adults look bad? A Chicago school just pulled the plug on a girls' basketball team that was scheduled to go to Arizona for a tournament. Why? You guessed it, Arizona's illegal immigration law. Now, the superintendent of the school says the safety and security of some team members could be at risk in Arizona. Do you buy that?

Joining us live is Michael Evans, whose daughter plays for the team. Good evening, Michael.


VAN SUSTEREN: I'm very well. So tell me first, does your daughter want to go to Arizona and play basketball in this tournament?

EVANS: Well, my daughter was very much looking forward to playing a basketball tournament in Arizona this year.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, so what happened? When did you hear that they had pulled the plug on this tournament?

EVANS: You know, I got a call late last week that -- because I was making the travel arrangements in Arizona for the tournament. And I was told that the tournament has been canceled because of the Arizona immigration law. And at first, I thought, you know, Are you joking? And I then proceeded to call the superintendent, and the superintendent started telling me about he was concerned about the safety of the girls.

And you know, I didn't understand that reasoning. I said, "Exactly what are you talking about?" And then he brought up values and beliefs. And that's when I started to suspect, Oh, my goodness, they are going to use this girls' team as a protest for the law.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you say anything to them about, you know, values and beliefs and say anything about the fact, you know, that you were unhappy with this and whether or not you thought your daughter and the other team members were being used in this?

EVANS: Well, the most disturbing part of this whole thing is the process. I mean, for three or four people to sit in a superintendent's office and make this decision -- you know, I asked him, Have you consulted with the school board? And the answer was no. I said Did you consult with the students? The answer was no. Did you consult with the parents? The answer was no.

I mean, I -- the process here to me should have you been inclusion, not just three or four people sitting in the superintendent's office, making this decision. I mean, if the kids wanted to protest, that's certainly their right, but you know, they were never given the opportunity to even think about it.

If they would have brought the parents in, I certainly would have said, You know what? We have a chance here to create a teachable moment, and let's let the kids play basketball. But if we want, we can have our students and the students of Arizona get together and start talking about these issues. And you know, these are not dumb kids. You know, maybe they'll come up with a solution that everyone else can't seem to figure it out.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, yesterday, in The Chicago Tribune, you talked about the superintendent. The assistant superintendent, Suzanne Hebson, is quoted. And I don't know if this is a correct quote or not, but it's in the newspaper with quotation marks, is that the trip "would not be aligned with our beliefs and values." Now, you tell me that the school's also saying -- the school's superintendent, that saying safety and security -- what safety and security issues are there? Are they concerned that -- I mean, there are lots of high school students in Arizona perfectly safe tonight. What -- did they go into great detail about what...


EVANS: Right. I think what they're referring to is if there was somebody that was undocumented on the team and they went to Arizona, they could put themselves in jeopardy. And my response to him was, Well, this is not a mandatory trip. I mean, you can explain to the team that, you know, there's risks involved and you know -- and it really should be up to the students and parents to determine whether or not they want to let their kids go.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there any indication that there is anyone on the team -- (INAUDIBLE) been selected who is undocumented?

EVANS: No. I mean, there was nobody on last year's team. And the team that's going to be selected in November, I don't know if there will or won't be. But you know, it's not a mandatory trip. So if somebody is undocumented, well, that's their decision and there are certain consequences that may arise and maybe you don't take a trip. I mean, it's no different than all these trips they sponsor overseas that some students are not going to be able to take that trip if they don't have a passport. So this -- you know, that's where the disconnect is. They can approve trips overseas, but they're worried about equal opportunity traveling within the United States of America.

VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, thank you very much. And good luck. And perhaps -- maybe the school will change its mind, or the superintendent. Thank you, Michael.

EVANS: Thank you.

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