Stopping Illegal Immigrant Crime

This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," May 11, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight, as we told you in the "Talking Points Memo," the number of horrific crimes committed by illegal aliens is mounting. And the nation's prisons are full of men from foreign countries who have come to the USA and hurt people.

Now politicians who fear backlash from immigrants and a press sympathetic to the illegals prefer you not know the extent of alien crime. But, with 11 million illegals in this country right now, even though most of them are law-abiding, sheer numbers dictate the alien crime problem must be addressed.

With us now is Patrice Perillie, immigration attorney for 23 years. And from Denver, Detective Nick Rogers. His close friend, detective Donald Young, was murdered, apparently by an illegal last Sunday. We talked about it in the "Talking Points Memo."

Detective, we begin with you.You know, this is — the city of Denver is in an uproar over this, two detectives, one dead, one badly wounded by a 19-year-old illegal who confesses to a girlfriend, that man is still at large right now.

Your friend was working off duty in security at a banquet hall and got into a beef with this guy. Is that what went down?

NICK ROGERS, DETECTIVE: Yes. They — he was asked to leave. We're not sure if he was asked to leave or if he left on his own and was asked not to re-enter. But the point being is he was not allowed re-entry back into the hall. Obviously he took...

O'REILLY: All right. And then he shot detectives?

ROGERS: Well, we think we know now that he was very upset that he was not allowed in and went to some other parties and conspired to come back and shoot the — the police officers.

O'REILLY: Right. I mean, it just — it's unbelievable in the sense that there's a 19-year-old kid. --He was stopped three times -- But Denver is a sanctuary city (search). So even though he was stopped and they knew he was illegal, because he couldn't produce identification, nobody did anything. Because in Denver, it is against the law for you guys to inform the feds because of the sanctuary policy.

How you do and other police officers feel about that?

ROGERS: Well, I mean, first of all, it's not against the law. I mean, our operations manual is what dictates what we do and what we don't do. And our operations — our operations manual is clear that we don't detain, arrest parties solely for immigration.

So for us to say that, you know, it's against the law, we have to have another charge.

O'REILLY: Right.

ROGERS: Now, this party — this party was stopped and cited for traffic violations several times prior to the shootings.

O'REILLY: But detective, if federal law were being obeyed by the city of Denver, it's not your fault. But if federal law were being obeyed, as soon as you find out he's an illegal, this guy is detained. Because it's against the law to come here. That's why they call them illegal aliens.

See, federal law is not being obeyed by the states. And the fact that Denver is a sanctuary city got your friend killed. And that's the brutal fact.

Now, counselor, I'm going to swing it over to you, OK? This guy is dead. The housewife up in New York City is dead, all right? And there will be, I predict, hundreds of more dead Americans before the end of the year at the hands of illegal aliens, because the laws are not enforced. What you do think about that?

PATRICE PERILLIE, IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY: I think the issue of their legal status in this country is completely unrelated to whether they're going to commit crimes or not.

O'REILLY: Well, let me stop you.

PERILLIE: If they had legal visas and killed these people, would that have made a difference?

O'REILLY: If you have criminals and they can't get in here, they won't commit crimes here. Surely you understand that.

PERILLIE: I understand that. If they had criminal records in their home countries and we had a working border enforcement policy, we would screen those people out...

O'REILLY: But we don't.

PERILLIE: That's the point. We need immigration reform.

O'REILLY: We don't have any policy at all to stop people from coming in.

PERILLIE: Absolutely, Bill I agree with you. And that's why we need a comprehensive immigration reform that protects us from the people who want to harm us.

O'REILLY: OK. So you agree with me, then, that we put the federal military the border tomorrow to stop all of the chaos and then develop it back into giving people working papers, knowing who they are. You agree?


O'REILLY: You have to put the military down there and stop the...

PERILLIE: I wouldn't say put the military down there, because I don't think there's any way you can stop it cold.

O'REILLY: Of course you can.

PERILLIE: Absolutely not. You need to do the screening away from the border.

O'REILLY: Counselor, do you know North and South Korea, do you know where they are?

PERILLIE: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: Can you get into North Korea?

PERILLIE: I haven't tried.

O'REILLY: Well, you know, you can't and you know you can't. OK, you know why you can't?

PERILLIE: Because there's military.

O'REILLY: Because there's soldiers on the border. OK, madam? So don't play games with me here. You can stop it if you wanted to.

PERILLIE: Do you want to live in a militarized zone?

O'REILLY: I want to live in a militarized border, madam. And I think most of the people in the polls show that they don't mind the border being militarized to protect Americans.

PERILLIE: Your own poll, as you know, Bill show that there wasn't great support for militarizing our border.

O'REILLY: Seventy percent in all of the polls say they agree with militarizing the border. Seventy percent.

PERILLIE: Militarization is just a Band-Aid on a bleeding problem that needs to be addressed.

O'REILLY: It stops the bleeding, and then you go back and do what you want to do.

Look, most Americans don't want to hurt illegal aliens. They don't. All right? We're not a venqeful society here. And we recognize that most of these people are good, and we want to give them a shot.

But you can't have, for the sake of the detective — do you know — do you know that this detective out in Denver, OK? His — he's got a 5-year- old daughter...

PERILLIE: My heart goes out to any victim of a violent crime...

O'REILLY: Did you know that?

PERILLIE: ... whoever the perpetrator is.

O'REILLY: Then you've got to get with me and everybody's got to get together and demand that the federal government stop letting everybody in this country.

PERILLIE: They need to provide incentives for people to come forward and legally enter the country. People don't have an alternative, Bill. There's no way to get in here to fill a job. An employer needs a worker. But there's no people available.

O'REILLY: An orderly guest worker program is good, and we support it.

Now, Detective, I'm going to throw it back to you out there. You know, I feel terrible for your friend and his family and the 5-year-old girl, a 13-year-old girl lost a father.

What's going to happen? Are you guys going to do anything? Are you going to tell the city council they've got to stop with the nutty sanctuary law? I mean, what are you going to do?

ROGERS: Well, I'm not sure that the sanctuary law is, to me, is really relevant at this moment.

The moment that I truly came here to talk about is Donny Young, Jack Bishop. Donny Young was a friend of mine. Jack Bishop is a friend of mine. My heart goes out to Donny's family. He was a great man. And Jack Bishop, who was also shot, is a hero.

That being said, you know what? We'll fight whatever battles we have to. I am a union representative with the Police Protective Association (search). And if we feel like going through city council or the mayor will assist this in the future, absolutely.

You know what? We want to make the streets safe.

O'REILLY: Right.

ROGERS: It is difficult. It is hard for us.

O'REILLY: For the legacy of your friend and for the protection of all the police officers in Colorado, including you, you have to tell them, "Look, we need to find out who's living in our city. And if they're not here legally, we need to deal with it."

I'll give you the last word.

ROGERS: Exactly. You know what? I'm sorry. I've — I haven't done live TV before. So..

O'REILLY: You're doing fine. You're doing fine.

ROGERS: I can — I can tell you right now that the bottom line is, you know, immigration, people from Mexico, people from China, people from any country that are not documented, we have a very difficult time in tracking them, in finding out who the people are that committed these crimes, especially the murder of a police officer.

O'REILLY: Absolutely.

ROGERS: But even an auto theft.

O'REILLY: Well, they'll get this guy. They'll get this guy.

ROGERS: Absolutely. I guarantee you we'll get him.

O'REILLY: But he never should have been here in the first place. And the first time he got pulled over he should have been handed over to the feds and deported.

Counselor, thank you. Detective, we appreciate it.

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