'Stop Snitchin' 2'

This is a rush transcript from "The Big Story With John Gibson and Heather Nauert," December 20, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HEATHER NAUERT, "BIG STORY" CO-HOST: It's a big outrage tonight and it is a movie you definitely do not want to see this holiday season. It's called "Stop Snitching Part 2." That's right. There is a sequel to the first shock-umentary which actually encourages witnesses to keep their mouths shut or else - these are witnesses of crimes.

JOHN GIBSON, "BIG STORY" CO-HOST: Big time rappers Cam'ron and Busta Rhymes came under fire on our show for helping promote the first video that explains the twisted rules of the street. So what does the second video entail? "Big Story" correspondent Douglas Kennedy has the shocking trailer to the newest no snitching movie.

DOUGLAS KENNEDY, THE BIG STORY CORRESPONDENT: Yes, the trailer promises the movie will tell us exactly what a snitch is and give us a list of notorious snitches. Authorities in Maryland today are saying it's sending a dangerous message.


KENNEDY (voice over): Last May in Texas, a 17-year-old girl was killed in a drive-by shooting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I heard a shot. And I heard boom!

KENNEDY: Police say the murder was planned to prevent Florencia Martinez from testifying at a gang-related trial.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I saw her smile last night and then she just passed away. I still can't believe it.

KENNEDY: It is an extreme case of witness intimidation that law enforcement officials say is a growing problem across the nation. And some say this brand new DVD is only making it worse.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To all you rats and snitches lucky enough to tap one of these DVDs. I hope you catch AIDS in you mouth!

KENNEDY: "Stop Snitching 2" is a sequel to the controversial movie about urban life in West Baltimore, Maryland; the lead, three years ago. Like the original, the new movie discourages informants from talking to police.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we're going to do on this DVD we're going to define what snitching actually is.

KENNEDY (on the phone): What's your problem with this movie?

PATRICIA C. JESSAMY, MARYLAND STATE'S ATTORNEY(on the phone): Well, what it does is reinforces what the original DVD did, which creates — we refer this to this as a conspiracy of silence, this whole issue of witness intimidation, which is what the DVD speaks to.

KENNEDY: Pat Jessamy is Maryland's State's attorney and says both movies encourage crime and chaos on city streets. The movie's makers disagree, calling it a glimpse of reality into the tough life in urban Baltimore. One image shows a kid with a gun smoking and another catches a man firing a weapon at a street party.

KENNEDY (on the phone): The producer says this movie simply mirrors society. What do you say to that?

JESSAMY: Well, I'm sure it does. But because it mirrors society doesn't mean that we don't want to do something about those negative aspects of society that negatively impact what we do.


KENNDY (on camera): In fact, Jessamy goes far as to say the movie's message is right now the number one threat to law and order in Baltimore. Nonetheless, the movie is scheduled to be released in January. Though that trailer, John and Heather, is available right now on Internet.

GIBSON: So with "Stop Snitching Part 2," can cops still solve crimes?

KENNEDY: You know, this is a big problem in Baltimore. They have had — in the past 7 years, they have had 1200 unsolved murders; that's about half the murders in that city. So it's a — and they say — cop says it's because nobody's talking to them. But it's not just the hip-hop culture, John. This is going on in the Irish neighborhoods in Boston where they haven't talked to a cop in 50 years.

GIBSON: Yes. We're talking history there, right? Douglas Kennedy, thank you very much.

NAUERT: Thanks, Douglas.

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