Stay Tuned ...

And now the most absorbing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Stay Tuned ...

As we noted earlier, Bill Clinton (search) is worried Democrats may not have enough money to beat President Bush (search), insisting the race -- "won't be easy" and that the Democratic Party "vitally" needs financial support.

But Democrats are getting some help from, the liberal group backed by anti-Bush billionaire George Soros, which is planning to counter President Bush's multimillion-dollar advertising blitz later this week by funding its own advertising blitz.

Moveon will pay $1.9 million to air commercials across 17 battleground states, marking Moveon's most far-reaching effort yet.

To Pay or Not?

The American Conservative Union is planning to sue the secretary of the Senate and the clerk of the House for failing to dock John Kerry's pay after missing Senate votes last year. The ACU recently learned of a federal law passed in the mid-19th Century that says the Senate secretary and House clerk -- "shall deduct from the monthly payments of each Member or Delegate the amount of his salary for each day that he has been absent from the Senate or House, respectively," unless he is ill.

Kerry, according to the ACU, missed nearly 60 percent of the Senate votes. Though the law hasn't been enforced for some time, the ACU says -- "that doesn't mean it shouldn't be" now.

Not So Sweet to be Sixteen?

Members of Berkeley High School's Progressive Club say they plan on voting in today's California primary ... even if they're not old enough to vote. They acknowledge they will likely be turned away, but insist they deserve the right to vote.

Sixteen-year-old club Vice President Alex Sicular, quoted in the Oakland Tribune, says -- "Sixteen-year-olds nowadays are a lot more mature. They basically have all the same [mental] capacities as 18-year-olds."

Springsteen Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

A recently released Guantanamo Bay detainee is denouncing the way American troops treated him, saying -- "all day they blared [the] patriotic American" song "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen.

Hamed Abderrahman Ahmad, quoted by the Australian newspaper the Advertiser, says he had to wrap wet towels around his head to keep Springsteen out.

Thing is, as the Wall Street Journal points out, "Born in the USA" is a strongly unpatriotic song, beginning with the lyrics -- "Born down in a dead man's town; The first kick I took was when I hit the ground; You end up like a dog that's been beat too much."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report