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Today we are in Richmond, Virginia, about to head out to do a behind the scenes at NASCAR. We are told we will be given lots of access, so we hope to show you some things you have never seen before. I am looking forward to doing this segment. Don't ask me when we are airing it (tonight?) since that is a decision made by my producer.

Yesterday we were at the Pentagon working on some segments for our 9/11 show and we ran into a NASCAR driver. Carl Edwards was at the Pentagon getting a private tour of the 9/11 Memorial. Edwards was extremely nice, gave me a signed hat and told us to stop by and see him today.

Incidentally, the talk here in Richmond is the NASCAR race this weekend and the weather. Why the weather? It is uncertain whether Mother Nature will cooperate for the race this weekend and there is a risk that fans will be very disappointed.

Last night we had former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on our show. He and I agree on some things, don't agree on others, but I always have fun interviewing him. He might be one of my favorite political guests since a debate with him is challenging and always good spirited. We can totally disagree about something yet have fun jabbing each other about it. The debate in the greenroom can even be a bit more spirited than the one you see on TV. It is too bad that more of our political discussion in this country is not more like that — good spirited. I suspect in the end we all have the same goals for our country — peace, prosperity, opportunity, etc. — but just differ on the means to get to those goals.

The plan for 9/11 — Monday — is for our show to air from Ground Zero in NYC. In our effort to figure out how best to honor those who died (and those who suffered the loss of someone), we thought we should go there so that we could bring YOU there.

In this blog I solicited ideas from you — the readers — as to what we could do — including you — on 9/11 that was most tasteful and most likely to honor those who died. I have incorporated many of those ideas into our show planning. We did not want to ignore the loss at the Pentagon, so we also, as noted above, went there. I wish that I could be in three places at once since there were also many lives lost in Pennsylvania, but it is obviously a bit difficult.

Next week we have a great interview planned: Brett Favre. Yes, Green Bay's star quarterback. I am very excited about the interview (OK, I own one share in the Packers and I am enormously biased.) Even if you don't routinely watch football, you have to watch this interview. Favre is truly an amazing athlete. Write me what you would like to ask Brett.

No e-mails posted today because I can't access our show e-mail account from this Richmond hotel (Their wireless is really slow and my computer crashes every time I get near our FOX e-mail show account.) It has been a challenge to even post this.

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