Sorvino Denies Cat-Fight With Carey

As salacious as the story was for many, Mira Sorvino says she and songbird Mariah Carey did not get into a Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling-style fight on the set of their upcoming movie, Wise Girls.

The Academy Award-winner said even her own mother believed the "ridiculous" tabloid reports of a knock-down, drag-out brawl.

"We had one verbal argument one day, there was no physicality whatsoever," Sorvino, 33, said. "If can you really imagine me rolling on the ground, tearing hair out, as the (National) Enquirer said, then I don't know what to say, but I can assure you that that never happened, and we made up the next day and we're on very good terms."

The Summer of Sam actress said the rumors upset her greatly.

"My mother called me and said, 'What's this? You were on the ground with Mariah Carey?' and I was like, 'No, Mom, how could you of all people believe that?'" Sorvino said. "I've had people from around the world who read this and that's the first thing they ask me."

Mariah Carey, 31, is currently recovering from a recent emotional breakdown, according to her spokesperson.

Wise Girls, about three waitresses at a restaurant run by the mob, is scheduled for release next year.

The Associated Press contributed to this report