Some Media Try to Connect Texas Plane Pilot with Tea Party Movement

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Missing Link?

Hours after Joseph Stack crashed his plane into that Austin, Texas office building, some in the media speculated about a possible link between him and the tea party movement.

New York Magazine wrote of his Internet manifesto: "A lot of his rhetoric could have been taken directly from a handwritten sign at a Tea Party rally."

A Washington Post blog read: "His alienation is similar to what we're hearing from the extreme elements of the Tea Party movement."

And Time magazine's online write-up twice included links to a background on the Tea Party movement, which have since been removed.

Media commentator Bernie Goldberg compares the coverage to that of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, when liberals blamed conservative talk radio and Rush Limbaugh in particular. Today Goldberg writes that: "The liberal media is playing connect the dots again. For the record, there is no evidence whatsoever that Joe Stack belonged to any Tea Party organization or ever attended a Tea Party. None."

Cancer Announcement

We told you earlier that New Jersey Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg has stomach cancer. The Star-Ledger reports: "The senator directed the ambulance to transport him to Manhattan for treatment at Mount Sinai Medical Center."

However, Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano points out under the health care legislation passed by the Senate on December 24th, which Lautenberg voted for, any ambulance direction outside the local "catchment area" would not be allowed. We reached out multiple times to the senator's office, but have yet to hear back.

Friday Follow-Up

We're updating some stories we've been tracking in our "Friday Follow-Up" segment.

A statue of a young Barack Obama was transferred Monday from a public park in Jakarta, Indonesia to an elementary school that he attended as a child. We told you last month officials there bowed to critics who complained President Obama had done nothing for the country.

And a rap star is claiming to be the other passenger involved in the altercation with former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Air Canada Monday. The Web site TMZ posted video of rap star Sky Blu being escorted off the plane. But in the video the rapper says Romney started it by loudly telling him to put his seat up, and then grabbing his shoulder with a quote "condor grip." He says he swung at Romney to defend himself and after being escorted off the plane, caught the next flight to Los Angeles.

Fox News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.