Some Democrats See Big Trouble Coming at the Party's Convention This Summer

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Family Feud

Allies of Barack Obama are warning of chaos if unelected superdelegates give Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential nomination.

Richmond, Virginia Mayor Douglas Wilder made a comparison to the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago that featured clashes between protesters and police outside — and fighting between anti-war delegates and party moderates inside — "If you think '68 was bad — look at 2008 and it will be worse."

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle says the party will tear itself apart if Obama wins the most delegates but loses the nomination. He told FOX News Sunday — "It would be a disaster for the Democratic party to thwart what has happened in the caucuses and primaries."

And New York Senator Chuck Schumer — who supports Clinton — says Democrats must avoid what he called an "internecine battle" that could jeopardize a win for the nominee in November.

Fuzzy Math

Obama's voting totals during the New York primary earlier this month were vastly under-recorded in several New York City districts. The New York Post reports the Board of Elections says in nearly 80 districts — including many that are historically black — Obama was credited with receiving few or no votes at all — when in fact he had hundreds. Recounts have begun and the results have not yet been certified.

The mistakes are being blamed on human error. And there were some districts in which Clinton was shown as receiving no votes — when she really received hundreds.

Feeling Down

The founder and chief songwriter for the 1970's rock group Boston — Tom Scholz— has written to Mike Huckabee — complaining that he is using the hit song "More Than a Feeling" without permission. Scholz is objecting to what he says is the implication that the band has endorsed Huckabee. Another former member of the band has appeared with Huckabee at campaign events and they have played the song with Huckabee's band.

But Huckabee's New Hampshire chairman says — "Governor Huckabee plays 'Sweet Home Alabama.' Does that mean that Lynard Skynard is endorsing him? He plays 'Louie Louie.' Does that mean The Kingsmen are endorsing him? To me, it's ridiculous. Never once has he said, 'The band Boston endorses me.'"

Life Lessons

Taxpayer advocates in Los Angeles are howling about a decision by the Department of Water and Power to hire specialists to show new and expectant mothers how to properly breast-feed their children. The Los Angeles Times reports the department expects to pay about $50,000 to the winning bidder.

And this comes just days after the utility board approved a new package of water and electrical rate hikes. Says one critic — "You couldn't make this up. This is such a rip-off. You've got to wonder if somebody's cousin runs the lactation business."
But the head of the department says he has no intention of abandoning the idea — "It's enlightened. It's humanitarian. And it boosts productivity."

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.