Smile World

He opens doors — literally. And he smiles — a lot.

He's a doorman. And his name is Tony.

And no matter the season or the weather, Tony's always the same. Always smiling. Always laughing. Always kidding.

No detail is too small for Tony.

He takes particular interest in those visiting from out of town. Restaurants they should go to that won't cost 'em an arm and a leg. And the best time to seek out Manhattan hotspots. Few tip Tony for THESE efforts. Tony doesn't seem to care.

He really likes helping. And yes, laughing. Now, he knows me personally. And seemingly everyone at FOX.

"Mr. C," he yells. "Your ties do stink. But today's ain't so bad!"

He jokes his head is bigger than mine and proves it by thrusting his cap on my head. Gosh if he isn't right! The cap's big! Like Tony. A big man.

Maybe by some people's standards, a simple man in a simple job. I disagree.

Anyone who can make normally blasé New Yorkers burst out in laughter ain't a simple man doing a simple job. Tony's better than that.

And I like to think better than the people who scoff past him. Even ignore him. He is too decent to return their rudeness.

Not now. This being New York at the holidays, and all.

Even the cynical sport a smile at this time of year in the city. The difference with Tony is he's been this way throughout the year. All but saying with his face what he feels in his heart.

Smile world. It ain't gonna kill ya.

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