Shadowing Laura Bush

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Posted today are pics from our trip to the home of the Green Bay Packers and our interview of Brett Favre. Click here to check them out. By the way, I took Friday night off to see some grade school — yes, grade school — and high school friends in Appleton, which is 25 miles from Green Bay. I had a great time! Two friends flew in from distant states for dinner and one drove from Milwaukee and some live in Appleton. I have maintained these old friendships and it is one of the smartest things I have done. I always have fun with them... they really are my best friends. I always feel comfortable around them and always laugh with them.

And yes, the Packers lost again yesterday. I still think Brett Favre has many games in him. I don't want to see him retire. I would like to see the Wisconsin sports writers and fans let up on him... he is getting clobbered by some sports writers. I imagine it is hard to do his job with people almost betting against him. I think if the fans supported him, he would dazzle them. He still is that good. He has had so much adversity in his life yet managed to reach deep, deep, deep down and come up with extraordinary results. I admire him. I feared I might be disappointed when I met him but instead he reaffirmed my thoughts about him.

By the time you read this, we are "on the road" (New York) and working. Our day is starting early — we are meeting first lady Laura Bush and her staff at 7:30 a.m. at the New York Public Library. (Our crew had to check in at 6:30 a.m.!) For the next three days we are shadowing the first lady in NYC with our cameras and we will also have a sit down interview with her. I am not sure what the plan is for showing you the shadowing video and/or the interview. All I know is that I am looking forward to these next three days and only hope I can keep up with her. In anticipation of this interview, we were briefed on her schedule. It is a rough schedule. I told my husband after hearing her schedule I don't want to be first lady and he assured me I need not worry that I will be first lady. Yes, he is right... I need not worry about that one!

I am looking forward to spending time with the first lady. I have met her in the routine picture taking lines at the White House for holiday media parties but never really met her or gotten to know her. The White House picture taking lines are about five seconds. There is no conversation. By the way, I think the job of the first lady is a tough one. I would love to be a fly on the wall listening to a conversation among all the first ladies — both Republican and Democratic — talking about the job. They are a unique club.

Of course in addition to Mrs. Bush this week, we will cover all current news in our show. As you might imagine, it can be a big challenge for the senior producer of our show to decide how much to do of any given topic... or when to do it. Yes, of course I will contribute to the decisions.

Expect many of us at FOX News to be on the road several times in the next few weeks. It is the 10th anniversary of FOX News Channel and all the shows are hitting the road to show appreciation to the many viewers who watch us. Our show is going to Atlanta and Las Vegas. Shep Smith's two shows will also be on the road in those cities with us. The other FOX shows have a different city schedule.

Now for some e-mails:

E-mail No. 1

Hi Greta,
I watch your show and the other night I saw you interview Brett Favre. You mentioned to him that your husband was a big Johnny U. fan. I grew up in Potomac, Maryland, and used to watch Johnny U. But my favorite QB was Joe Namath. My father (King Corcoran) was a backup QB for him in 1967 and part of '68. I have a story you might want to pass on to him.
In 1973, my father's old coach from the Pottstown Firebirds (Ron Waller) was the head coach of the San Diego Chargers. Ron invited us to opening day 1973 against the Redskins. They ended up losing 38-0, and it was clear that Unitas' body was gone. He only played in 4 games for the Chargers.
I was 9 years old at the time and after the game went into the Chargers locker room with my father. I was getting autographs from some of the players like Deacon Jones and Mike Garrett, my father was hanging out with his old roommate with the Eagles (Tim Rossovich) who was now a linebacker with the Chargers.
I saw Johnny Unitas sitting on a small stool in his jock strap with his hands buried in his face, it looked like he was crying. I walked up to him and asked him to sign my pad and he did but he never looked at me. He wasn't crying, he just looked like a beaten man. I remember thinking how old he looked compared to the other Chargers who were in their mid-20s.
My father was standing about 5 feet away talking to Ron Holiday, another former teammate who was now with San Diego. I asked my father what was wrong with Unitas and he said, "He knows it's over!" I said, "What is over, the game?" and my father said real loud his career is over, didn't you see him get killed out there, he's done!
Johnny U. heard this and shot my father a dirty look, but I remember my father saying before the game this was going to be a disaster for Unitas, he's too old.
In 2000 and 2001 I appeared in 2 movies for NFL Films, "Pottstown Revisited" and "The WFL". My father was never a star in the NFL but was a true character. If your husband would like copies of these films let me know and I will send them.
Take care,
Jimmy Corcoran Jr.

E-mail No. 2

Just wanted to let you know that I'm so happy to see Catherine Herridge back and well again. She's a real person and a true professional.
Spokane, WA

E-mail No. 3

Isn't it strange that you have two stories and one is Lafave and the other is Favre? I had to keep listening for the distinction, as I wasn't really familiar with either name!
Duane Gevert
Binghamton, NY

E-mail No. 4

Enough of the bimbo, Anna Nicole Smith! I am truly sorry that she lost her son but I can't understand why she was given practically your whole show. Time will tell what caused his death and all the speculation in the world isn't going to make a bit of difference. That's really all the media has. We heard all the facts that were released when it happened so why couldn't you give it a rest.
The woman, by her own admission, doesn't live anywhere close to a normal
life, even by Hollywood standards. The poor boy has been subjected to so much weirdness his entire life that it would be more than a miracle if he was close to normal. It was said that they were more like brother and sister than mother/son. If you look at all the photos and clips that have been shown constantly for the past week, it looks much more like they were lovers that anything else.
In my mind, there's a distinct possibility that the kid did himself in with drugs, whether legal or illegal, because he couldn't face the idea of sharing his mother with the new baby. Maybe the yelling by Anna Nicole saying "You caused it" that was reported but that she conveniently forgot because of her sedation was directed toward the baby?
I usually totally support you and your show but give us a break on this one!!!
Long Beach, CA

E-mail No. 5

Hi Greta,
I'm SUCH a BIG fan of yours! I am extremely concerned, since there are no reports as to whether Anna Nicole has her newborn with her or not. I'm sure that she's extremely distraught over her son, understandably, but nobody's mentioning the new baby. These are the most important times for a mother and newborn to start the bonding process, no matter what the mother happens to be going through at the time. Do we know if Anna Nicole has her newborn with her?
If not, I fear that the new baby may become as messed up as everybody else in the saga.
Thank You,
Mary Jo Livingston
Neosho, MO

Some articles that caught my attention:

Mother of boy arrested in school plot says her son was bullied

Cops Arrest Suspect in Case of Teen Who Text-Messaged Mom After Kidnapping

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