Senator Webb's Frosty Exchange With President Bush

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Frosty Exchange

It appears Virginia's new Democratic Senator — Jim Webb— isn't about to win any "Congeniality Award." During a White House reception for incoming Congressional freshmen — The Washington Post reports— that Webb— who has a son serving in the Marines in Iraq and is a strong critic of the war— initially tried to avoid President Bush— but then had this brief conversation:

"How's your boy?" the president asked.

Webb responded, "I'd like to get them out of Iraq."

"That's not what I asked you," Mr. Bush answered. "How's your boy?"

Said Webb —"That's between me and my boy, Mr. President."

A source told "The Hill" newspaper— that Webb said he was so angered by the exchange— he was tempted to slug the president.

Apology Requested

The head of the American Legion is calling on New York Congressman Charles Rangel to apologize for saying troops in Iraq are there because they had no better career opportunities.
Rangel made the comments to me on "FOX News Sunday" last weekend, saying "if a young fellow has an option of having a decent career or joining the Army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq."

But American Legion National Commander Paul Morin says— Rangel's view of the troops "couldn't be further from the truth — and is possibly skewed by his political opposition to the war in Iraq."

"Medically Fragile Population"

If you live in Fairfax County, Virginia — you can no longer make a home-cooked meal for the homeless — or even fix one in your church — unless the kitchen has been government-certified. The Washington Post reports — a county official says the crackdown is aimed at preventing food poisoning — for what he calls "a medically fragile population."

But charity groups say— government standards require a commercial grade refrigerator— a three-compartment sink— and other expensive equipment. As the head of one charity explains— "We're very aware that a number of homeless people eat out of dumpsters — and mom's pot roast has got to be healthier than that."

Be Fair to Israel

And Secretary-General Kofi Annan— is calling on the UN's human rights council to be impartial — when dealing with Israel. Annan notes— the six-month-old council has passed six resolutions criticizing Israel— including two this week— and no resolutions critical of any other country.

Annan said, "There are other crisis situations, like Sudan, where they have not been able to say a word."

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.