Senator Rick Santorum Under Fire

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Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly.  Thank you for watching us tonight.  Senator Rick Santorum under fire.

That's the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.

First of all, we asked the senator to appear.  He has declined so far, so we have to analyze this based on the reporting of others, which we don't like to do.

According to A.P. [Associated Press] reporter, Lara Jakes Jordan, who's married to the head of John Kerry's campaign, Santorum said this, "If the Supreme Court says you have the right to consensual sex within you home, then you have the right to bigamy, polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery.  I would argue this right to privacy doesn't exist, in my opinion, in the United States Constitution."

That's the crux of the matter.  Senator Santorum believes the government has a right to criminalize certain sexual acts done in private between consenting adults, homosexual acts among them.

I don't believe this.  I believe the Constitution allows for privacy, and government has no place in the bedroom unless minors are involved or the public safety is in danger.  I also believe that the Supreme Court will throw out the Texas sodomy laws, but I could be wrong.

However, there's no question that Senator Santorum is entitled to his opinion on the matter.  If he wants to police sex, that's what he wants.  There's no reason to do anything to the senator, but to vote him out of office if you disagree.

But the witch hunters are demanding that he resign because they don't like his point of view.  It's the usual high-tech lynching, demonizing a person for holding an opinion you don't like.

Let's get something straight right now.  Elected officials don't renounce their citizenship when they take office.  Santorum can say whatever he wants about a legal matter now being heard by the Supreme Court, and the witch hunters can stuff it.

Talking Points deals with faulty policy positions all day long.  The Constitution certainly ensures a degree of privacy, and if Santorum doesn't understand that, what can you say?

America does not need a sex police to protect the public.  It's a complete waste of time and resources, but America also does not need people who run around trying to personally destroy individuals by hanging a bias label on them.  That's malicious and anti-democratic.  If Santorum feels homosexual activity is wrong, he's entitled to that belief without being labeled a hater.

The real haters are the witch hunters, and we are watching them very closely.

And that's The Memo.

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Time now for "The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day"...

According to the ESPN Web site, your humble correspondent, me, may be drafted by the Chicago Bears this Saturday when the NFL makes its college selections.

Says the site, "Since the Bears lack offense, why not tab someone offensive?  Note to Bill's mom: At some point, you should have mentioned the concept of manners to him."

Now this is rich.  Being lectured on manners by the ESPN guys.  I mean how bad can it get?  It might be ridiculous.

--You can watch Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 & 11p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel. Send your comments to: