School District Changes Its Tune

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Friday Follow-Up

We're updating some stories we've been tracking in our "Friday Follow-Up" segment.

First, the Polk County, Florida school district is scrapping its plan to use federal dollars to buy free iPods for parents of disabled children. The district was going to direct $350,000 to the project as a reward for parents who filled out a 10-minute online survey.

The district now says: "The funds previously flagged to purchase the iPods will now be used to support classroom instruction and curriculum."

Confidential Information

Canadian provincial Premier Danny Williams is out of the hospital and doing well following his migration to the U.S. for heart surgery.

Last week we told you Williams caused some heartburn on both sides of the border when the trip was announced. That country's publicly-funded health system is often touted by universal care advocates in the U.S. and criticized by reform opponents.

Williams' office had said the procedure he needed was not available in his home province of Newfoundland, but refused to say if it was offered elsewhere in Canada.

Grab a Shovel

As north Texas digs out from a record-breaking snowstorm, Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina is trying to dig herself out of a political hole.

She was asked on Glenn Beck's radio show Thursday if she believed the American government had any involvement in the 9/11 attacks. She said: "I think some very good questions have been raised in that regard. There's some very good arguments and I think the American people have not seen all the evidence there, so I've not taken a position."

Republican Governor Rick Perry and challenger Kay Bailey Hutchison were quick to take a position, slamming Medina for not disavowing such conspiracy theories.

Medina's campaign went into damage control mode, releasing a statement saying she has never believed the government was involved. Before the answer, in some polls Medina had been rising quickly, getting up to 24 percent support in the three-way race.

Cupid in the Crosshairs

And finally, only two shopping days left before Valentine's Day. But those shopping in Saudi Arabia for their special someone might have a little trouble.

Religious police have purged shelves of all things Valentine-related: flowers, gifts, candy, and anything that is the color red.

But the ban has created a boon for some shopkeepers willing to risk it. The Los Angeles Times reports one florist says the price of contraband red roses has risen 500 percent.

Fox News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.